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 Görüntüleme 29
 İndirme 5
The Role of E-marketing and Finding Job Opportunities for Young People on Social Media; An Empirical Sociological Study in Al-Diwaniyah City
International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education

The world is currently experiencing a technological revolution in various sectors of life. Information and communications have become among the most important environments for business today. Among the aspects of this progress is the tremendous revolution that occurred through the emergence of Internet technology in the field of marketing. The present study revolves around the role played by the new economy in opening new fields to work with less effort and less cost to improve the lives of individuals. It highlights the reasons why young people are interested in it. The importance of the present study is due to tackling electronic marketing that has spread and increased positive and negative points in its use in the field of marketing, which increased. The importance of studies. The major objective of the present study is to identify the role of e-marketing in opening a new market for work in social networking sites. The results of the present study indicate that females are more interested in buying through social media. The majority of respondents know that they have been shopping on social media and that they have become more popular than before. There is an increasing demand of young people to sell through social media, which represents an opportunity for them to work from home. The results of the present study indicate that commodity trading through social media has contributed to finding job opportunities for young people and provided an opportunity to increase income and improve the standard of living.

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Bilgi: Bu yayına herhangi bir atıf yapılmamıştır.
Benzer Makaleler

International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education

Alan :   Eğitim Bilimleri

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 477
Atıf : 388
Eğitim Bilimleri Temel Alanı

International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education