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International Journal Of Eurasia Social Sciences

Organizational image consists of perceptions, thoughts and impressions of all stakeholders about the organization. The organizational image that the organizations have and perceived by the employees can affect the attitudes and behaviors of the employees. Organizational image perceptions of employees are associated with many variables such as organizational commitment, psychological well-being, identification, job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior and performance. The same is true for school organisations. The positive perceptions of the teacher about the school can have positive results on the organizational attitudes and behaviors of the teacher. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between teacher’s perceptions of organizational image and their organizational happiness. In the research, a relational survey model has been used. The sample of the research consıst of teachers working in secondary schools in the central district of Giresun province in the academic year of 2021. In order to collect data in the research, 'Organizational Image Scale' and 'Organizational Happiness Scale' were used. The Cronbach Alpha value for the Organizational Image Scale is .92. The Cronbach Alpha value for the Organizational Happiness Scale is .93. Due to the fact that the research data were obtained during the covid19 pandemic process, the forms were collected online and face to face. While analyzing the data, t-test, ANOVA, correlation and regression analyzes were used. According to the results of the research, teachers' perception of organizational image and organizational happiness (grand total) are at a moderate level. There is a moderately positive and significant relationship between organizational image and happiness (general total). There are positive relationships between the sub-dimensions of organizational image perception, quality, appearance, social, infrastructure and program image, and positive emotions and potential realization sub-dimensions, which are sub-dimensions of organizational happiness. There are negative relationships between quality, appearance, social, infrastructure and program image, which are the sub-dimensions of organizational image perception, and negative emotions, which is the sub-dimension of organizational happiness. At the same time, teachers' organizational image perceptions significantly predict their organizational happiness. It is thought that the results obtained will make important contributions to both the organization and the theory of educational management and its practitioners.


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International Journal Of Eurasia Social Sciences

Field :   Eğitim Bilimleri; Filoloji; Güzel Sanatlar; Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Journal Type :   Uluslararası

Article : 864
Cite : 2.024
Basic Field of Fine Arts

Basic Field of Philology

Basic Field of Social, Humanities and Administrative Sciences

Basic Field of Educational Sciences

International Journal Of Eurasia Social Sciences