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“Kör Keçi”den “Körebe”ye: Oyun İçinde Oyun

Çocuğun /çocukluğun toplumsal-kültürel tarihini yeniden inşa etmede  tarihsel ve kültürel yorumun en çok başvurduğu belge ve nesneler içinde  çocuk oyunları ve oyuncaklar gelmektedir. Anadolu’nun tüm yörelerinde  yapılmış çocuk oyunlarına ilişkin derleme ve monografi nitelikli  çalışmalarda karşımıza çıkan körebe oyunu da köklü bir geçmişe ve geniş  bir coğrafi dağılıma sahip bir oyundur. Oyun kuralları, alanı, zamanı ve  oyun örgüsüyle çok bildik ve çok tanıdık bir çocuk oyunudur. Cinsiyet  ayrımı yapılmaksızın, iç ya da dış mekânlarda, belirlenmiş alanlarda  (kimi zaman bir çember, kimi zaman bir oda) oynanan geleneksel çocuk  oyunları sınıflamaları içinde yer alan kurallı grup oyunlarından biridir.  Oyunun Anadolu çeşitlemelerinde içeriği ve temel özellikleri çoğunlukla  değişmemektedir. Oyuna, çocuk oyunlarında ebenin rolü açısından  bakıldığında oyuna adını veren körebe olumsuz ve cezalandırılmış bir  rolde kaybedendir. Oyun, yeni kaybedenleri bulmak üzere sürer ve  hiç ebe olmayan oyuncu, oyunun kazananıdır. Çoğu çocuk oyununun  kökenlerinin arkaik dönemin ritüelistik uygulamalarından türediği,  onların izlerini taşıdığı ya da üstü örtük de olsa günümüze uzanmış  öğelerle sürdürüldüğü bilinir. Oyunun betimlemeye çalıştığımız bu  hali ile ritüel öğelerle ilişkilendirilmesi zor görünmektedir. Acaba öyle  mi? Bu makalede, dünyanın birçok yerinde kör keçi olarak adlandırılan  ve Anadolu’nun bazı bölgelerinde de kör çepiç olarak bilinen körebe  oyununun, toplumsal bellekte saklı bir ritüel kalıntısı olduğunu gösteren  izler üzerinden tartışılmaya çalışılacaktır.


From "The Dark Rabbit" to "The Rabbit": Playing in the Game

In the reconstruction of the social and cultural history of the child, the historical and cultural interpretation of the documents and objects many appealed in children's toys and toys. The crawling game that comes to us in the collection and monography-qualified studies of children's games made throughout Anadolu is also a game with a rooted history and a wide geographical distribution. It is a very familiar and well-known game for children with the rules of the game, the area, the time and the game. It is one of the regular group games that are included in the classifications of traditional children's games, which are played in defined areas (sometimes a circle, sometimes a room) in internal or external spaces, without gender discrimination. The content and basic characteristics of the game in the Anatolian variations are often unchanged. When it comes to the game from the point of view of the role of Eben in the children’s games; the game is the loser in a negative and punished role. The game continues to find the new losers, and the player without any parent is the winner of the game. It is known that most children’s games originate from the ritual practices of the ancient period, carrying their traces or continuing with items that are extended to the present day, even if covered above. It seems difficult to associate the game with the state we try to describe with the ritual items. Is that so? In this article, we will try to discuss the traces that show that the cube game, which is called the blind sheep in many parts of the world and also known as the blind sheep in some parts of Anadolu, is a ritual remains hidden in social memory.


From “blind Goat” To “korebe”: The Game Within The Game

In reconstructing the socio-cultural history of the child / childhood, children’s games and toys are among the most frequently used documents and objects of historical and cultural interpretation. Körebe (blind man’s bluff) is one of the children’s games with a long history and a wide geographical distribution which is encountered in qualified works such as compilation and monographs on children’s games in all regions of Anatolia. The compilation and monographs of children’s plays made in all regions of Anatolia, which are encountered in the quality of the game, körebe is a game with a long history and a wide geographical distribution. Körebe is a very familiar children’s game with its pattern, rules, areas and time. It is one of the regular group games that take place in the traditional classifications of children’s games, which are played indoors or outdoors, in designated areas (sometimes a circle, sometimes a room), regardless of gender. The content and basic characteristics of the play in Anatolian variations are mostly unchanged. The game, in terms of the role of the ebe in children’s games; körebe who gave his name to the game is the loser in a negative and punished role. The game continues to find new losers and the player who has not become the ebe is the winner. The origins of most children’s plays are known to derive from the ritualistic practices of the archaic period, bears traces of them, or continue with implicit elements that have survived to the present day. It seems difficult to relate to the ritual elements in this state of körebe game that we try to describe. Is that so? In this paper, we will try to discuss on the traces of the game which is called blind goat in many parts of the world and which is known as kör çepiç in some parts of Anatolia, is a ritual remnant hidden in social memory.


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Field :   Filoloji; Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Journal Type :   Ulusal

Article : 373
Cite : 991
Basic Field of Social, Humanities and Administrative Sciences

Basic Field of Philology
