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Zihin Yetersizliği Olan Öğrencilerin Devam Ettiği Destek Eğitim Odası Hizmetine Yönelik Bir Durum Çalışması
Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Özel Eğitim Dergisi

Giriş: Kaynaştırma uygulamaları kapsamındaki destek eğitim odası (DEO) hizmeti, mevzuatta yer almasına karşın son dönemlerde ülkemizde fiili olarak sunulmaya başlamış ve bu hizmetin nasıl sunulacağı tartışılır hale gelmiştir. Yöntem: Bu nedenle bu çalışma DEO’nun temel boyutları olan yönetim, rehberlik ve uygulama boyutlarının nasıl işlediğini bütün olarak görmek, betimlemek ve sonucunda çözüm önerileri sunmak amacıyla nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden iç içe geçmiş tek durum çalışması olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu doğrultuda belirtilen her bir boyutun sorumluları olan 10 okul yöneticisi, 10 rehber ve 10 DEO öğretmeniyle yarı-yapılandırılmış görüşmeler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Katılımcıların okullarında DEO’nun fiziksel ortamına ilişkin geliştirilen kontrol listeleri kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca araştırmacı, DEO’nun işleyişini betimlemek için bir okulun iki ayrı DEO’sunda saha notları tutmuş; süreç boyunca araştırmacı günlüğüne görüşlerini yansıtmıştır. Bulgular: Yapılan analiz sonucunda fiziksel ortama, paydaşların görüşlerine ve DEO’nun işleyişine ilişkin üç tema ortaya çıkmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, DEO’ların fiziksel ortamının yetersiz olduğu, rehber öğretmen ve yöneticilerin DEO sürecinin lideri olduğu, DEO’da sadece öğretim hizmeti sağlandığı, danışmanlık hizmetinin sunulmadığı görülmüştür; katılımcıların DEO bilgilerinin yetersiz olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Tartışma: Araştırma sonucunda DEO hizmeti süreçlerin sağlıklı işlemediği, katılımcıların DEO bilgilerinin yeterli olmadığı ortaya çıkmıştır. DEO’da öğretmenlerin sadece öğretim yaptıkları, DEO konusunda lider kişilerin okullardaki rehber öğretmenlerle okul yöneticileri olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Belirtilen bu olumsuz durumların üstesinden gelmek için DEO’lara özel eğitim öğretmeni ataması önerilmiştir.


Students with mental disabilities continue to support training room service

Introduction: The support training room (DEO) service within the framework of the coating practices, despite its entry into legislation, in recent periods has begun to be presented in our country and has become controversial how this service will be offered. Method: Therefore, this study was carried out as a single case study that was incorporated into the quality research methods in order to see, describe and, as a result, present solutions to the whole of how the management, guidance and implementation dimensions, which are the basic dimensions of the DEO, work. In this direction, half-built conversations were conducted with 10 school managers, 10 guides and 10 DEO teachers, who are responsible for each of the dimensions indicated. Participants’ schools have developed checklists on the physical environment of the DEO. Furthermore, the researcher kept field notes in two separate DEOs of a school to describe the functioning of the DEO; throughout the process, he reflected his views on the researcher's daily. Results: The analysis resulted in three topics related to the physical environment, the opinions of stakeholders and the functioning of the DEO. The study found that the physical environment of the DEO was insufficient, that the guidelines were the leaders of the DEO process, that only teaching services were provided in the DEO, that consulting services were not provided; that the participants were insufficient in the DEO information. Discussions: The research found that the DEO service processes did not work healthy, the DEO information of the participants was not sufficient. In the DEO, it is understood that teachers are only teaching, the leaders in the DEO are guiding teachers in schools with school managers. It is recommended that special educational teachers be appointed to the DEOs to overcome these identified negative situations.


A Case Study For Resource Room Service Attended By Students With Intellectual Disability

Introduction: Although it is included in the legislation, the resource room (RR) service within the scope of inclusive practices has recently been provided in Turkey. However, the question of how this service is offered remains controversial. Method: Therefore, the present study was carried out as a nested single case study, one of the qualitative research methods. The aim was to see and describe how the fundamental dimensions of RR including management, guidance, and implementation as a whole were in effect. Accordingly, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10 school principals, 10 guidance counselors, and 10 RR teachers. Checklists developed for the physical environment of the RR were used in the schools of the participants. Besides, the researcher took field notes at two separate RRs of a school to describe the functioning of the RR and reflected her views in the diary throughout the process. Findings: As a result of the analysis, three themes were revealed and these included the physical environment, stakeholders’ views, and the functioning of the RR. The study revealed that the physical environments of the RRs were insufficient, the counselors and administrators were the leaders of the RR process, and only teaching service was provided with a lack of consultancy service in the RR. It was seen that the participants’ knowledge of the RR was insufficient. Discussion: As a result of the research, it was revelad that the RR service processes did not function properly and the participants did not have enough information about the RR. It has been determined that the teachers only teach in the RR and that the leaders of the RR are the GC and school principals in the schools. It has been suggested to provide special education teachers to the RR in order to regulate these ineligible situations.


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Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Özel Eğitim Dergisi

Field :   Eğitim Bilimleri

Journal Type :   Ulusal

Article : 288
Cite : 1.783
Basic Field of Educational Sciences

Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Özel Eğitim Dergisi