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  Atıf Sayısı 1
 Görüntüleme 170
 İndirme 5
Tahiyyat Duası ile İlgili Rivâyetlerin İsnad ve Metin Tahlili
Turkish Academic Research Review

Namaz, bir insanın yaratılış gayesine uygun olarak Yüce Allah’a kulluğunu gösterebileceği, İslâm dininin en önemli ibadetlerinden birisidir. Namaz ibadetinin gerek kılınış şekli olarak gerekse okunacak sure ve dualar açısından birtakım kuralları vardır. Dolayısıyla namazın geçerli olabilmesi için bu kuralların yerine getirilmesi gerekmektedir. Namaz kılarken ellerin kaldırılması uygulamasında olduğu gibi okunacak dualar noktasında da mezheplerin uygulamalarından kaynaklı birtakım farklılıklar bulunabilmektedir. Bu dualardan bir tanesi de Tahiyyat duasıdır. Bu çalışmanın amacı Tahiyyat duasının okunuşuna yönelik mezheplerin farklı uygulamalarına kaynak teşkil eden rivâyetleri tespit etmek, isnad ve metin açısından incelemek ve değerlendirmektir. Çalışmada araştırma yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Buradan hareketle mezheplerin, Tahiyyat duasının okunuşu ile ilgili olarak delil aldığı rivâyetleri tespit edebilmek için dört mezhebin kendi aslî kaynaklarına müracaat edilmiştir. Çalışmanın sınırlarını aşmamak için Mâlikî mezhebinin uygulaması da dikkate alınarak Sahihayn ve el-Muvatta’da yer alan rivâyetlerin tespiti yapılmış ve rivâyetlerin isnadı incelenmiştir. Daha sonra farklı senedlerle gelen rivâyetlerin metin yönünden tahlili yapılmış ve metindeki farklılıklar ortaya konulmuştur. İsnad incelemesi yapılırken cerh-ta‘dîl, tabakât ve ricâl kitaplarından yararlanılmıştır. Ardından rivâyetlerin isnad ve metin yönünden mukayeseli bir değerlendirmesi yapılmıştır. Tahiyyat duasının okunuş şekli ile ilgili mezheplerin görüşlerinin kaynağının Hz. Peygamber’den nakledilen rivâyetler olduğu görülmektedir. Okunuştaki farklılığın sebebi ise konu ile ilgili rivâyetler ve mezheplerin bu rivâyetleri tercih sebepleridir. Bu konu ile ilgili mezheplerin rivâyetler arası tercih sebebine dair yapılan çalışmalar bulunmakla birlikte tespit edebildiğimiz kadarıyla bu çalışmada yapıldığı şekliyle rivâyetlerin isnadına yönelik onu nakleden râvîlerin tamamının durumlarının cerh ve ta‘dil yönünden incelenmesi ile ilgili bir çalışma yapılmamıştır. Dolayısıyla çalışmanın alana ve bu konu ile ilgili daha önce yapılan diğer çalışmalara katkı sunacağı ve meselenin daha iyi anlaşılması yönünden de faydalı olacağı düşünülmektedir.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

The worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship.

Prayer is one of the most important worshippings of the Islamic religion in which a man can show his servant to the Supreme God according to the purpose of creation. The prayer is a form of prayer and a form of prayer is a form of prayer and a form of prayer. The prayer must be fulfilled in order to be enforced. In the prayer of the Holy Spirit, the prayer of the Holy Spirit, the prayer of the Holy Spirit, the prayer of the Holy Spirit, the prayer of the Holy Spirit, the prayer of the Holy Spirit, the prayer of the Holy Spirit, the prayer of the Holy Spirit, the prayer of the Holy Spirit, the prayer of the Holy Spirit. One of these prayers is the prayer. The purpose of this study is to identify and evaluate the rivers that make the source for the different practices of the disciples towards the reading of the Tahiyyat prayer, from the point of view and the text. The research method was used in the study. From here, the four disciples have been handed into their own original sources to identify the evidence that the disciples have received in relation to the reading of the Tahiyyat prayer. In order to not exceed the limits of the study, the application of the Mâlikî mezhebî has also been taken into account by identifying the rivayets located in Sahihayn and al-Muvatta and examining the isnad of the rivayets. After that, the varieties of the varieties of the varieties of the varieties of the varieties of the varieties of the varieties of the varieties of the varieties of the varieties. It is the book of the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an and the Qur’an. Then, the righteousness of the righteous and the righteousness of the righteous and the righteous. The source of the views of the disciples about the form of reading of the Tahiyyat prayer. It is seen by the Prophet (peace and blessings). The reason for the difference in reading is that the righteous righteous righteous righteous righteous righteous righteous righteous. In this case, we can find out how many studies are carried out on the reason for the preference of the disciples between the disciples as far as we can find out how many studies are carried out on the way that the disciples are carried out on the basis of the disciples that are carried out on the basis of the disciples that are carried out on the basis of the disciples that are carried out on the basis of the disciples that are carried out on the basis of the disciples. Therefore, it is believed that the study will contribute to the field and other studies on this subject previously and will also be useful in the direction of better understanding of the issue.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

The Isnad and Text Analysis Of The Narrations Related To The At-tahiyyat Prayer

Prayer is one of the most important worships of the religion of Islam, in which a person can show his servitude to Almighty Allah in accordance with the purpose of his creation. Prayer worship is a form of worship that has some rules both in terms of the way it is performed and the surah and prayers to be read. Therefore, these rules must be fulfilled in order for the prayer to be valid. As in the practice of raising hands while praying, there may be some differences in the prayers to be read due to the practices of the sects. In this context, one of these prayers is Tahiyyat prayer. This study aims to identify the narrations that serve as a source for the diverse practices of Tahiyyat prayer among different sects, and to evaluate these narrations in terms of their isnad (chain of transmission) and text. The research methodology employed in this study involved consulting the original sources of each sect in order to determine the narrations upon which they relied with respect to the recitation of Tahiyyat prayer. To stay within the scope of the study, the narrations in Sahihayn and al-Muwatta were selected and the isnads of these narrations were examined with regard to the practice of the Maliki sect. Then, the narrations with different isnads were analyzed in terms of text and the differences in the text were revealed. The books of jarh tadil, tabaqat, and rijal were consulted during the examination of the isnad. Finally, a comparative evaluation of the narrations was conducted based on both the isnad and text. It is seen that the source of the views of the sects about the way of reading Tahiyyat prayer is the narrations transmitted from the Prophet Muhammad. The reason for the difference in reading is the narrations related to the subject and the reasons for preferring these narrations of the sects. Although there are studies on the reason for the sects' preferences among the narrations on this subject, this study is unique in that it examines the isnad of the narrations and evaluates the states of all the narrators who transmitted it in terms of jarh and tadil. Therefore, it is thought that this study will contribute to the field and other previous studies on this subject and will be useful in terms of better understanding of the issue.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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Turkish Academic Research Review

Alan :   Eğitim Bilimleri; Güzel Sanatlar; İlahiyat; Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 309
Atıf : 391
İlahiyat Temel Alanı

Güzel Sanatlar Temel Alanı

Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Temel Alanı

Eğitim Bilimleri Temel Alanı

Turkish Academic Research Review