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 Views 95
The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies

Türkiye ile sınırı olan İran, coğrafi konumu itibari ile Ortadoğu’nun kilit ülkelerinden biridir. Bölgenin hem kültürü hem de ekonomik olarak güçlü ülkesi olan İran, hem Ortadoğu siyasetinin de nabzını tutmakta hem de Ortadoğu siyasetinin belirlenmesindeki başlıca aktörlerden biri olmaktadır. Tarih boyunca Türk-İran ilişkilerinin dostane bir şekilde sürdüğünü söylemek doğru olmaz. Fakat bu durumun I. Dünya Savaşı sonrasında değişmeye başlamıştır. I. Dünya Savaşında komşusu Türkiye ile birlikte emperyalistlerin özellikle de İngiltere ve Rusya’nın saldırılarına maruz kalmıştır. Bu dönemde gizli antlaşmalarla parçalanma ve işgal süreci yaşayan İran ve Türkiye’de I. Dünya Savaşı sonrasında hem siyasi hem de ekonomik alanda Millilik ve Bağımsızlık vurgusu ön plana çıkmıştır. Türkiye’de Mustafa Kemal İran’da Rıza Şah liderliğinde köklü reformlar yapılmış milli ve bağımsız devletin temelleri atılmıştır. Türkiye komşuları ile dostluk ve barış temelli belirlediği dış politikası çerçevesinde 1 Mart 1921’de Afganistan, 16 Mart 1921’de Sovyet Rusya, 13 Ekim 1921’de Azerbaycan, Gürcistan ve Ermenistan ile antlaşmalar imzalamıştır. Türkiye’nin dostluk temelli imzalamış olduğu antlaşmalar özellikle İngiltere’yi rahatsız etmiş bölgedeki baskın İngiliz egemenliğinin sonlanacağı inancını oluşturmuştur. Sovyet Rusya’nın İran ile 26 Şubat 1921’de bir başka antlaşma imzalanması sonrasında İngiltere’nin tedirginliği daha da artmıştır. Kafkasya’da Rus-İngiliz rekabeti artarken, Türk-İran ilişkilerine de önemli sorunlar damga vurmaya başlamıştır. İki ülke arasında bölgede çıkan ayaklanmalar nedeni ile sınır sorunları yaşanmıştır. Bu olumsuzluklara rağmen 1921 yılından itibaren her iki devlette ilişkilerin geliştirilmesi amacıyla bazı adımlar atmışlar, fakat tam anlamı ile güven ortamının yaratılması mümkün olmamıştır. Buna rağmen 1921 yılından itibaren gösterilen bütün çabalar 1926 yılında iki ülke arasında güven duygusunun temin edilmesini sağlamıştır. Türkiye Tahran Büyükelçisi Memduh Şevket Bey ile İran Başveziri Mehmet Ali Furugi tarafından Tahran’da 22 Nisan 1926’da Güvenlik ve Dostluk Antlaşması imzalanmıştır. Bu antlaşma Türkiye-İran ilişkilerinin gelişmesinde önemli bir adımdır.


22 NISAN 1926 Analysis of the Iranian-Turkish Security and Friendship Agreement (in the framework of Turkish-English Archives)

Iran, which is border with Turkey, is one of the key countries of the Middle East with its geographical location. Iran, the region’s both cultural and economically powerful country, holds the pulse of both the Middle East politics and is one of the main actors in the determination of the Middle East politics. It is not true to say that the relations between Turkey and Iran have been friendly throughout history. But this situation began to change after World War I. In the First World War, the neighbor's Turkey was affected by the attacks of the imperialists, especially of Britain and Russia. During this period, the emphasis on nationality and independence in both political and economic areas has come to the forefront in Iran and Turkey, which are living in the process of breakdown and occupation with secret treaties. In Turkey, the foundations of the national and independent state under the leadership of Rıza Shah in Iran have been placed. In the framework of its foreign policy on the basis of friendship and peace with its neighbors, Turkey signed treaties with Afghanistan on 1 March 1921; Soviet Russia on 16 March 1921; Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia on 13 October 1921. The treaties that Turkey has signed on the basis of friendship have formed the belief that the dominant British sovereignty in the region, especially the UK, will end. After the Soviet Russia signed another treaty with Iran on February 26, 1921, Britain's anxiety increased further. While the Russian-English competition in the Caucasus has increased, significant problems have also started to hit the mark to the Turkish-Iran relations. Due to the conflict between the two countries, there have been border problems. Despite these disadvantages, since 1921, the two states have taken some steps to improve relations, but it has not been possible to create a environment of confidence. Nevertheless, all the efforts shown since 1921 made it possible to ensure a sense of confidence between the two countries in 1926. The Treaty of Security and Friendship was signed in Tehran by the Turkish Ambassador to Tehran, Memduh Shevket, and the Prime Minister of Iran, Mehmet Ali Furugi, on 22 April 1926. This agreement is an important step in the development of Turkey-Iran relations.


Analysis Of Security and Friendship Treaty Between Turkey and Iran On 22th April 1926 In Terms Of Regional Security (in Accordance With Turkish and British Archival Documents)

Iran and Turkey were key countries in the Middle East with nominal geographic location. Iran, is both a culturally and economically powerful country, is one of the main actors in the Middle East politics. It is not right to say that Turkish-Iranian relations have continued in a friendly way during history, but this situation began to change after the First World War. Britain and Soviet Russia which were imperialist counties during the First World War, attacked to Turkey and Iran. After the First World War, the terms of Nationalities and Independence were emphasis on both political and economic field in both countries which were disintegrated and occupated by the secret treaties at that time. National and ındependent states were established in Turkey by the leadership of Mustafa Kemal and by Rıza Shah in Iran. After National Struggale with emperialist, Turkey was signed agreements with Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia on October 13, 1921, with Afghanistan on March 1, 1921 and with Soviet Russia on March 16, 1921on the framework her foreign policy which was based on peace and friendship with neighbours. All these treaties were distrupted especially to Britain, was the main actor of this region, started to believe to decrease his sovereignity in this area. After Soviet Russia signed another treaty with Iran on February 26, 1921, the unrest of Britain increased even more. While the competition between Soviet Russia and Britain increased in the Caucasus, important problems come in to begin in the Turkısh-Iranian relations. Due to uprisings in this region, border issues had begun to rise between two countries. Despite of these negative actions, Turkey and Iran had taken some steps to develop relations since 1921, but it was not possible to create an atmosphere of trust between Turkey and Iran. In spite of these circumstances, all efforts since 1921 provided a sense of trust between the two countries in 1926. Therefore on April 22, the 1926 Security and Friendship Treaty was signed in Tehran between Turkey’s Tehran ambassador Memduh Şevket and Iranian Grand Vizier Mehmet Ali Furugi. This treaty is an important step in the development of Turkey-Iran relations.


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