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Teachers’ perceptions of gender stereotypes in EFL secondary textbooks
Pegem Education and Instruction Journal

Abstract The present qualitative research sought to explore teachers’ perceptions on gender in EFL teaching and learning. We also try to analyze gender representations in the textbooks used by these teachers. Conducting semi-structured interviews, five preset open-ended questions were provided. These interview questions were led to have focus on teachers’ perceptions toward promoting gender, gender differences, and role of gender. All 34 responses of primary and secondary teachers’ perceptions were recorded then transcribed. All of the transcriptions were analyzed using thematic analysis, and only the crucial points were showed. The findings were of an interpretative nature with recurring and emerging themes related to the preset questions. The findings yield that a very small number of teachers treat students differently due to their sexes, no textbooks represent specifically gender stereotype, and this stereotypes does not influence students’ learning. The interpretation of these findings further provide practical implications for researchers and educators alike.


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Pegem Education and Instruction Journal

Field :   Eğitim Bilimleri

Journal Type :   Uluslararası

Article : 472
Cite : 643
Basic Field of Educational Sciences

Pegem Education and Instruction Journal