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Çukurova Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi (ÇÜİFD)

Çağdaş İslam düşüncesinin en temel problem alanlarından biri din-devlet ilişkisidir. İslam toplumlarında bu ilişki oldukça tartışmalı bir konudur. Bilindiği gibi gerek din gerek devlet sağlıklı bir toplumsal düzen ve toplumsal hayat için son derece önemli iki sosyal kurumdur. İslam tarihinde Hz. Peygamberin vefatından sonra ilk çıkan ihtilaf ‘hilafet’ meselesidir, yani din ve devlet ilişkisinin nasıl ve hangi ilkeler çerçevesinde kurulacağıdır. Bu ihtilafın belli ölçüde hala devam ettiğini söylemek mümkündür. Günümüzde modern toplumlarında din ve devlet ilişkileri bağlamında üretilmiş en kullanışlı enstrüman laiklik ilkesidir. 1923 yılında Atatürk ve bir grup vatanperver silah arkadaşının öncülüğünde Müslüman çoğunluklu bir modern ulus devlet olarak kurulan Türkiye Cumhuriyeti anayasa, cumhuriyet, hukuk, insan hakları ilkelerinin yanı sıra laiklik ilkesini de benimsemiştir. Bilindiği gibi, 20. yüzyılın ortaları itibariyle İslam dünyasında siyasî bağımsızlığını elde eden pek çok devlet ortaya çıktı. Bağımsızlık sonrası dönemde, bu devletler ulus inşa ederken, daha ziyade Batıdan ödünç alınan ve seküler paradigma tarafından çok fazla etkilenen gelişme modelleri benimsediler. Bu devletlerde din ve siyaset tamamen ayrılmasa da, uygulanan seküler politikalarla iktidarları, devletleri ve hükümet kurumlarını meşrulaştırma kaynağı olarak İslam’ın devlet ve toplum katındaki rolü büyük ölçüde sınırlandı. Bunun istisnası olan birçok hükümet, anayasalarında İslam’a bazı atıflar yapmak suretiyle ılımlı bir İslamî görünüm sergiledi. Dolayısıyla Müslüman toplumlarda veya devletlerde din ve devlet ilişkisi tam anlamıyla sağlam bir denge üzerine inşa edilemedi. Bugün bile genelde modern dünyada, daha özelde ise laik bir devlette İslam’ın yeri ve rolü ile demokrasi, çoğulculuk ve din özgürlüğüne bakışı gibi konular yaklaşık bir asrı aşkın bir zamandan beri tartışılmaya devam etmektedir. Bu tartışmalar bağlamında Türkiye’den Seyyit Bey, Türkiye dışından ise Abdullahî Ahmet Naim, Ali Abdürrâzık, Abdülaziz Saçedina, Yusuf Kardavi, Raşit Gannuşi, Tarık Ramazan, Mustafa Ceriç, Nurçoliş Macit vb. isimler sayılabilir. Bu makalede konu çağdaş İslam düşüncesi içerisinde el alınırken Ali Abdürrâzık’ın (1887-1966) görüşleri örneğinden hareket edilecektir. Onun Türkiye’de hilâfetin kaldırılmasından bir yıl sonra 1925 yılında İslâm’da siyasî otoritenin mahiyetine dair kaleme aldığı ve 1927 yılında İslâmiyet ve Hükümet adıyla Ömer Rıza Doğrul tarafından Türkçeye tercüme edilen el-İslâm ve Uṣûlü’l-Hükm adlı kitabında İslam’da din, devlet, hilafet, saltanat ve siyaset hakkında çeşitli değerlendirmeler yer almaktadır. Klasik literatürde şer’î bir gereklilik olarak görülen hilâfetin dinî ve aklî bir dayanağının olmadığı tezini savunan, dolayısıyla hilafet meselesinde geleneksel algının bütünüyle karşısında yer alan Abdürrâzık’a göre, İslam dini herhangi bir devlet modeli öngörmez, yani siyasi anlamda herhangi bir düzenleme yapmamış, bu hususu topluma bırakmıştır. O, Hz. Peygamberin rolünün siyasi bir lider değil, dini bir otorite olduğunu savunur. Özellikle radikal ve selefi bazı akımların Şeriat devleti adına din ve devlet ilişkisini maniple etmeye çalıştıkları günümüzde onun bu görüşlerinin ne anlam ifade ettiği bu makalenin ana tartışma konusudur.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

The Islamic Religion and the Islamic Religion: The Religion and the State

One of the main issues of modern Islamic thought is the religious-government relationship. This is a very controversial issue in the Islamic community. As it is known, the need for religion is the state of a healthy social order and the two social institutions are extremely important for social life. The Islamic History of Hz. The first dispute that arises after the Prophet's death is the question of 'hilafet', that is, how and in what principles the relationship between religion and state will be established. It is possible to say that this conflict continues to a certain extent. Today, it is the most useful instrument of secularity principle produced in the context of religious and state relations in modern societies. In 1923 the Republic of Turkey, established as a modern nation state with a majority of Muslims under the leadership of Atatürk and a group of vatanperver armed friends, adopted the principles of constitution, republic, law, human rights as well as the principle of secularity. As it is known, from the middle of the 20th century there were many states that gained political independence in the Islamic world. During the post-independence period, these states, while building a nation, adopted the development models that were borrowed from the West and very much influenced by the secular paradigm. Although religion and politics are not completely divided in these states, the role of Islam in the state and society as a source of legitimation of power, states and government institutions by the secular policies implemented has been largely limited. Many governments, with this exception, showed a moderate Islamic appearance by making some references to Islam in their constitutions. Therefore, the relationship between religion and state in Muslim societies or states could not be built on a completely solid balance. Even today, issues such as the place and role of Islam in the modern world, especially in a secular state, and the perspective of democracy, pluralism and freedom of religion have been discussed for more than a century. In the context of these discussions from Turkey Seyyit Mr, from outside of Turkey Abdullahî Ahmet Naim, Ali Abdürrâzık, Abdülaziz Saçedina, Yusuf Kardavi, Raşit Gannuşi, Tarık Ramazan, Mustafa Ceriç, Nurçoliş Macit etc. Names can be counted. In this article, the subject will be handled in the contemporary Islamic thought while the views of Ali Abdürrâzık (1887-1966) will be handled in the example. A year after the removal of his hilâfetin in Turkey in 1925 he received a note about the existence of political authority in Islam and in 1927 he was translated to Turkey by Islam and the Government by the name of Islam and the name of Islam and the name of Islam and the name of Islam and the name of Islam and the name of Islam and the name of Islam and the name of Islam and the name of Islam and the name of Islam and the name of Islam and the name of Islam and the name of Islam and the name of Islam and the name of Islam and the name of Islam and the name of Islam and the name of Islam and the name of Islam and the name of Islam and the name of Islam and the name of Islam and the name of Islam and the name of Islam and the name of Islam and the name of Islam and the name of Islam and the name of Islam and the name of Islam and the name of Islam and the name of Islam. According to Abdürrâzık, who advocates the thesis that there is no religious and intellectual basis of the hilâfeti, which is considered a sheriff necessity in classical literature, and therefore is completely opposed to the traditional perception of the hilâfeti issue, Islamic religion does not predict any state model, i.e. does not make any political arrangement, it has left this issue to society. He is Hz. The role of the Prophet is not a political leader, but a religious authority. Especially the main topic of this article, in which some radical and predecessor movements are trying to manipulate the relationship between religion and state on behalf of the Sheriat state, is the main topic of this article, in which his views mean.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Contemporary Islamic Thought and Secularism: The Relationship Between Religion and State According To Ali Abd Al-rāziq

One of the main problem areas of contemporary Islamic thought is the relationship between religion and state. This relationship in Islamic societies is a highly controversial issue. As we know, both religion and state are the two most important social institutions for a healthy social order and social life. After the death of the Prophet Mohammad, the first dispute in Islamic history is the issue of the Caliphate, namely how will the relationship between religion and state be established. It is possible to say that this dispute still continues to some extent. Today, the most useful instrument produced in the context of the relationship between religion and state in modern society is the principle of secularism (laicite). In 1923, the Republic of Turkey with Muslim-majority, founded as a modern nation state by Ataturk and his patriotic friends, has also adopted the principle of secularism, as well as constitution, republic, law, and human rights. As it is known, many states have emerged in the Islamic world by achieving political independence as of the middle of the 20th century. In this period, these states have adopted the development patterns borrowed from the West and much affected by the secular paradigm, while building nations. Even if religion and politics have not completely separated in these states, by applying secular policies, the role of Islam in the state and society as a source of legitimating states, and governmental institutions has been severely limited. Apart from this, many governments have gained a moderate Islamic appearance by making some references to Islam in their constitutions. Thus, in the Muslim societies or states, the relationship between religion and state could not be perfectly built on a sound balance. Even today, such issues as the role of Islam in the modern world, particularly in a secular state, and its views of democracy, pluralism and religious freedom, have remained on the agenda for a century. In the context of this debate, some names such as Sayyid Bey, A. an-Naim A. Abd al-Raziq, A. Sachedina, N. Madjid, al-Qaradavi, al-Ghannouchi, Tariq Ramadan, Mustafa Ceric, etc. can be counted. In this study, the relationship between religion and state will be examined in the context of the contemporary Islamic thought by the example of Ali Abd al-Raziq (1887-1966). His book al-Islâm and Uṣûl al-Hukm published in 1925, a year after the abolition of the Caliphate in Turkey, has contained some information and analyses about the nature of political authority in Islam, and about the following subjects such as religion, state, caliphate, reign, and politics. In 1927, this book translated into Turkish by Omer Rıza Dogrul, with the name of Islam and Government. According to Abd al-Raziq, Islam does not foresee a state model, left it to society; Islam wants social power, not political power, and the role of the Prophet is not a political leader but he is a religious authority. He lies entirely against the traditional understanding of Caliphate by claiming the argument that there is no religious and rational foundation of the Caliphate, which is regarded as a necessity of Shari’a in the classical literature. It is the main debate of this study that what do these views mean for today’s world, especially for radical and Salafi movements trying to manipulate the understanding the relationship between religion and state in the name of the Sharia state.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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Çukurova Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi (ÇÜİFD)

Alan :   İlahiyat

Dergi Türü :   Ulusal

Makale : 614
Atıf : 1.794
İlahiyat Temel Alanı

Çukurova Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi (ÇÜİFD)