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  Atıf Sayısı 2
 Görüntüleme 45
 İndirme 5
II. Meşrutiyet Döneminde İstanbul’da Sosyal Bir Problem Olarak Kumar İlleti

Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, II. Meşrutiyet döneminde İstanbul’da toplumsal hayatı derinden etkileyen kumar illetinin yaygınlaşmasının sebeplerini ve Osmanlı Devleti’nin buna yönelik aldığı tedbirleri irdelemek olarak tanımlanır. II. Meşrutiyet dönemi, kronolojik olarak kısa bir zaman aralığını oluştursa da ekonomik ve toplumsal açıdan birçok sarsıntının yaşandığı, tarihsel açıdan çarpıcı bir süreci ifade eder. Bu dönemde görülen sıra dışılıkta; XIX. yüzyılda başlayan ve XX. yüzyılın ilk çeyreğine kadar süren savaşların etkileri, toprak kayıpları, meşruti yönetimle ilgili yaşanan siyasal gerilimler, özgürlükçü ortam, sosyo-ekonomik krizler, ödenemeyen maaşlar, göçler, Avrupa’nın kültürel ve fiziksel etkisine açık olma durumu etkili olmuştur. Yaşanan sosyal, ekonomik ve siyasal gerilimler toplumu derinden etkilemiş sosyal yapıda çözülmeler baş göstermiştir. Bu dönemde içki, kumar, sefâhat ve fuhuş gibi eylemlerin artışı sosyal çözülmenin varlığına işaret etmektedir. II. Meşrutiyet döneminde kumar illeti toplumun sosyal ve ahlakî yapısını sarsıcı boyutlara ulaşmış, aile yapısı zarar görmüş, özellikle memurlar arasında kumarın yayılması devletin itibarını sarsmıştır. Kumarın toplumsal bir hastalığa dönüşmesi Osmanlı hükümetlerinin tedbir almasını gerekli kılmış, ancak yapılan yasal düzenlemeler ve alınan polisiye tedbirler kumarı önleyememiştir. İstanbul, devletin başkenti olarak mevcut sorunları ve gerilimleri en derinden hisseden şehir olmuştur. XIX. yüzyılın ikinci yarısından itibaren Batı tarzı bir başkente dönüşme sancıları çeken şehirde, aynı anda Batılı yaşam tarzı da etkili olmaya başlamıştır. Bu meyanda eğlence hayatı renklenmiş, kulüpler, barlar, lokantalar, gazinolar ve oteller yeni eğlence mekânlarını oluşturmuştur. Osmanlı başkentinin geleneksel dokusu bozulmuş, kahvehanelerde ve diğer mekânlarda içki, kumar ve sefâhat belirgin hale gelmiştir. Araştırmanın temel kaynağını Cumhurbaşkanlığı Devlet Arşivleri Başkanlığı Osmanlı Arşivindeki belgeler oluşturmuştur. İlaveten dönemin süreli yayınlarından yararlanılmıştır.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

and II. Gambling is a social problem in Istanbul.

The main purpose of this work is II. During the period of legitimacy in Istanbul is defined as the causes of the spread of gambling, which deeply affects the social life, and the measures taken by the Ottoman State towards it. and II. The period of legitimacy is a chronologically short period of time, but it represents a historically striking process in which many economic and social turmoil occur. This is the case in the 19th century; the 19th century. Beginning in the 20th century. The effects of the wars that lasted until the first quarter of the century, land losses, political tensions in relation to legitimate governance, liberalistic environment, socio-economic crises, unpaid wages, migrations, the state of exposure to the cultural and physical impact of Europe have been influential. The social, economic and political tensions that exist have led to solutions in the social structure deeply affected by society. During this period, the increase in actions such as drinking, gambling, gambling and foolishness indicates the existence of social dissolution. and II. In the period of legitimacy, gambling has reached the social and moral structure of the society to tremendous dimensions, the family structure has been damaged, especially the spread of gambling among officials has struck the reputation of the state. The conversion of gambling into a social disease made it necessary for the Ottoman governments to take precautions, but the legal arrangements made and the police measures taken did not prevent gambling. Istanbul has become the city with the most profound sense of current problems and tensions as the capital of the state. The XIX. From the second half of the century, in the city, which is suffering from becoming a capital in the Western style, the Western lifestyle has also begun to become effective. The entertainment life has been coloured, clubs, bars, restaurants, casinos and hotels have created new entertainment spaces. The traditional tissue of the Ottoman capital has been damaged, drinking, gambling and gambling have become evident in the cafés and other places. The main source of the research was the documents in the Presidential State Archives of the Ottoman Archive. It has been used for the period of publication.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Gambling Malady As A Social Problem During The Second Constitutional Period In Istanbul

The primary purpose of this study is to examine the reasons for the spread of gambling malady, which deeply affected social life in Istanbul during the Constitutional Monarchy period and the measures taken by the Ottoman State against gambling. Although the Second Constitutional Period chronologically constituted a short period of time, it was a historically striking process in which many shocks lived in economic and social terms. The problems encountered in this period were the results of the wars from the 19th century onward, land losses, political tensions related to the constitutional management, libertarian environment, socio-economic crises, non-paid salaries, immigration, and the state of being open to European cultural and physical influence. The social, economic, and political tensions experienced during this period influenced the society deeply, and disintegration appeared in the social structure. Increased actions such as drinking alcohol, gambling, debauchery, and prostitution during this period indicate the existence of social decay. During the Second Constitutional Period, the gambling malady reached a shaking dimension to the social and moral structure of the society, the family structure was damaged, and the spread of gambling among the civil servants, in particular, undermined the reputation of the state. Gambling, which became a common illness, forced the Ottoman governments to take preventive measures, but the legal regulations and the preventive police measures failed to prevent gambling. İstanbul, the capital city of the Ottoman Empire, has been the city that felt the existing problems and tensions the most deeply. This city was while experiencing the pains of transformation to become a western-style capital since the second half of the 19th century also hosted to a western lifestyle. In this respect, nightlife was enlivened, and clubs, bars, restaurants, casinos, and hotels formed the new places of entertainment. The traditional pattern of the capital of the Ottoman State was degenerated, and drinking alcohol, gambling, and debauchery became common in coffeehouses and other places. The primary sources of this study are the documents from the Ottoman Archives of the Presidency. Moreover, periodicals published during this period were used as sources in this study as well.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 2.389
Atıf : 6.070
Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Temel Alanı