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 Görüntüleme 40
The location of mandibular foramen relative to the occlusal plane: a study on anatolian dry mandible
European Oral Research

Purpose: The study aims to evaluate the location of mandibular foramen (MF) with respect to the occlusal plane (OP) and its location on the ramus using Anatolian dry mandibles. Materials and Methods: A total of 115 dry mandibles with mandibular molars were analyzed. The distance between the MF and the OP was examined with a flat metal plate. Group A was above the OP; group L was at level, and group B was below the OP. The distances between the MF and anterior border (A-MF), sigmoid notch (U-MF), posterior border (P-MF), and lower border (L-MF) were measured. The symmetry between the two sides was examined. Pearson chi-square and Student's t-test were performed for statistical analysis. Results: According to the analysis, 50.23% of MF was located below the OP (p<0.05). The mean distances of Groups A and B were 3.45 and 4.78 mm, respectively. There was no difference between the left and right in groups (p>0.05). The distance A-MF was 14.71 mm. There was no statistical difference between the distances A-MF and P-MF or U-MF and L-MF. Conclusion: Half of the MF (50.23%) was located below the occlusal plane with a mean distance of 4.78 mm. It may be helpful to place the needle 3-4 mm above the OP and 1.5-2 mm back of the anterior border to obtain a successful inferior alveolar nerve block. The MF was located at the center of the medial surface of the ramus.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Atıf Yapanlar
Bilgi: Bu yayına herhangi bir atıf yapılmamıştır.
Benzer Makaleler

European Oral Research

Alan :   Sağlık Bilimleri

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 548
Atıf : 345
European Oral Research