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Analysis of the total rheological model of the polymer melt flow
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies

Plastics processing is regulated by the shear strain rate, so developing the flow models in a wide range of shear rates is an urgent task. A comparative analysis of the total rheological curves of the polymer melt flows using two flow models was performed. The Levanichev "slug" flow model is based on a physical model and assumes that the non-Newtonian flow area occurs when the melt flow rate approximates to the relaxation rate. The Carreau model is semi-empirical, viscosity limit values and relaxation time are taken into account, non-Newtonian flow area is described by the flow index. As a result of the analysis, the viscosity prediction errors were identified, and advantages of the "slug" flow model were shown. The method for calculating the flow of non-Newtonian fluid, where viscosity is understood as a change in the interaction area, resistance to the melt compression and overcoming melt adhesion to the channel walls was given, a new viscosity dimension was proposed. A number of effects that arise during the plastics processing and engineering methods based on the physical model, describing the total rheological curve ("sharkskin", "diedroop", "discopurgeprocedure") was qualitatively considered. Author Biography Виталий Валерьевич Леваничев, East-Ukrainian National University named after V. Dahl, Kv. Molodegnyi, 20а, Lugansk, Ukraine, 91034 Candidate of Technical Sciences, docent Department of Systems Engineering


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Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies

Field :   Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik

Journal Type :   Uluslararası

Article : 4.764
Cite : 4.498
Basic Field of Science and Mathematics

Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies