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 Görüntüleme 13
DOME: Discrete Oriented Muon Emission in GEANT4 Simulations

: The simulation of muon tomography requires a multi-directional particle source that traverses a number of horizontal detectors of limited angular acceptance that are used to track cosmic-ray muons. In this study, we describe a simple strategy that can use GEANT4 simulations to produce a hemispherical particle source. We initially generate random points on a spherical surface of practical radius by using a Gaussian distributions for the three components of the Cartesian coordinates, thereby obtaining a generating surface for the initial position of the particles to be tracked. Since we do not require the bottom half of the sphere, we take the absolute value of the vertical coordinate, resulting in a hemisphere. Next, we direct the generated particles into the target body by selectively favoring the momentum direction along the vector constructed between a random point on the hemispherical surface and the origin of the target, thereby minimizing particle loss through source biasing. We also discuss a second scheme where the coordinate transformation is performed between the spherical and Cartesian coordinates, and the above-source biasing procedure is applied to orient the generated muons towards the target. Finally, a recipe based on restrictive planes from our previous study is discussed. We implement our strategies by using G4ParticleGun in the GEANT4 code. While we apply these techniques to simulations for muon tomography via scattering, these source schemes can be applied to similar studies for atmospheric sciences, space engineering, and astrophysics where a 3D particle source is a necessity.

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Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 4