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  Citation Number 3
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The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies

Dinî inanmalar insanoğlunun hayatını yönlendiren ve bazen din dışı farklı unsurlarla birleşerek taassup boyutuna ulaşıp sınırlandıran olgulardır. Bu inanmaların bazıları tamamen dinî gerçeklere dayanırken bazıları dinî gerçekliklerle bezenmiş batıl inançlardan ibarettir. Gerek insanların günlük hayatlarındaki pratiklerde gerekse de halk anlatılarında yaşayan bu inanmalar yüzyıllardır halk arasındaki varlıklarını sürdürmektedir. Bu inanmaların bir kısmı millî hususiyetler göstermekte iken bir diğer kısmı evrensel hususiyetler taşımaktadır. Millî motifleri bünyelerinde barındıran inanmaların kimisi de aynı millet içerisindeki mezhepsel ve/veya meşrepsel farklılıklara göre değişiklik arz edebilmektedir. Türkler tarihleri boyunca farklı inanç sistemleri ile dinlere mensup ve komşu olmuş bir millettir. Günümüzde dahi Türklerin bir kısmı diğerlerinden farklı olarak İslam dışındaki dinlere mensuptur. Yine İslam dairesindeki Türkler de kendi içlerinde farklı mezhep ve/veya meşreplere dâhildir. Uzmanları tarafından Alevi, Bektaşi ve Kızılbaş gibi adlarla anılan Türkmenlerin bir kısmı da bu tip toplulukların önde gelenlerindendir. Bu üç terimin ayrımını yapmak ya da izah etmek çalışmamızın içeriğinin ötesinde bir konu olduğundan çalışma boyunca bu kavramlar genellikle birlikte anılacaktır. Bilindiği üzere dinî ya da dine bağlı inanmaların bir kısmı tabusal varlık ve davranışları doğurmaktadır. Bu varlık ya da davranışlardan bir tanesi de insanların etraflarında gördükleri hayvanlara dair geliştirdikleri inanma ve takındıkları tavırlardır. Türkler arasında kurt/bozkurt ve geyik, Batılı terminolojideki karşılığıyla totem, Türk fikir hayatındaki karşılığıyla hayvan ata/hayvan ana olarak kabul edilmiştir. Atalık ve analık hususiyetleri barındırmasa da Türkler arasında totem olarak kabul edilen hayvanlardan bir tanesi de tavşandır. Bu çalışmada Alevi-Bektaşi toplumların tavşana dair besledikleri inanma ve bu inanmalara bağlı takındıkları tavırların dünyadaki benzerleriyle mukayeseli şekilde arkaik kökenlerine inilmeye çalışılarak tavşana dair bu inanma ve tavırların günümüzdeki karşılıkları üzerinden tespitler ortaya konulacaktır. Bu yolla Türklerin tarih boyunca farklı inançlar üzerinden tavşana bakışı da gözler önüne serilecektir.


The traditions and practices of religious beliefs and practice

Religious beliefs are the facts that direct the life of man and sometimes combined with different non-religious elements to reach and limit the size of taassup. Some of these beliefs are fully relied on religious truths, while some of them are false beliefs that are wrapped with religious truths. These beliefs that live in the practices of the daily lives of the people of need have continued to exist among the people for centuries. Some of these beliefs show national particularities, while others carry universal particularities. Some of the beliefs that have national motives in their bodies may also change according to the religious and/or legal differences within the same nation. Thro its history, the Turks are a nation that has been affiliated with the religions with different religious systems. Even today, some of the Turks, unlike others, belong to other religions than Islam. The Turkish people in the Islamic apartment also belong to different religions and/or legitimations within themselves. Some of the Turkmenists, named by their experts with names such as Alevi, Bektaşi and Kızılbaş, are also among the leaders of this type of communities. Since distinguishing or explaining these three terms is a subject beyond the contents of our work, these concepts will often be mentioned together throughout the work. It is known that some of the religious or religious beliefs generate tabular existence and behavior. One of these beings or behaviors is the beliefs and attitudes that people develop about the animals they see around them. Among the Turks, wolf/bozkurt and geik, in turn in the Western terminology, totem, in turn in the Turkish idea life, was considered the animal dog/animal mother. Although it does not possess the ancestral and analctic specifications, one of the animals considered totem among the Turks is also a rabbit. In this study, the Alevi-Bektaşi communities will try to descend to the archaeological origins of the beliefs they feed on the rabbit and the attitudes they bind to these beliefs in comparison with the world's similarities, and find out the current responses of these beliefs and attitudes about the rabbit. Thro the history of the Turks, the view of the Rabbit will also be reflected through different beliefs.


Beliefs and Practices About Rabbit In Alevi-bektashi Tradition

Religious beliefs are the facts that direct the life of mankind and sometimes reach the conservatism dimension by combining with different non-religious elements and limit the people. Some of these beliefs are entirely based on religious facts, while others are superstitions embellished with religious realities. These beliefs, both in the practices of people's daily lives and in the public narratives, have been living among the people for centuries. While some of these beliefs show national characteristics, others have universal properties. Some of the beliefs that contain national motives may vary according to sectarian and/or textural differences within the same nation. Turks have been a neighbor of the religions and neighbors with different belief systems throughout their history. Even today, some Turks belong to religions other than Islam, unlike others. The Turks in the Islamic Circle are also included in different sectarians and/or texturals. Some of the Turkmens referred to by their experts as Alevi, Bektashi and Kızılbaş are among the leading of these types of communities. These concepts are often referred to together throughout the study as it is a matter beyond the content of our study to distinguish or explain these three terms. As it is known, some of the beliefs that are religious or related to religion cause taboo beings and behaviors. One of these beings or behaviors is the beliefs and attitudes that people develop about the animals they see around them. Among the Turks, wolf/gray wolf and deer are accepted as totems in Western terminology, and ancestors / animals are the main ones in Turkish intellectual life. Although there are no ancestry and maternity features, one of the animals accepted as totems among Turks is a rabbit. In this study, the beliefs of Alevi-Bektashi societies about the rabbit and their attitudes based on these beliefs will be tried to go down to their archaic origins in comparison with their counterparts in the world, and the determinations of these beliefs and attitudes about the rabbit will be revealed. In this way, Turks' view of the rabbit through different beliefs throughout history will be revealed.


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