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The Role Of Radio Stations In The Diffusion Of Nazi Propaganda In The Maghreb During The Second World War 1939-1945
İlköğretim Online

Germany worked during the Second World War to spread very tendentious propaganda against the policy of French colonialism in the Maghreb, as it contributed to plunging the region into endless psychological warfare, relying on several radio stations, including Radio Berlin, Radio Stuttgart, and then Radio Paris since 1940, and these stations worked to broadcast news and comments in French, in classical Arabic and Moroccan and Tunisian colloquial Arabic. And another in Moroccan Berber and Kabyle, which was very audible in Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco. Therefore, this research paper was designed to highlight the content of the sessions broadcast by these stations, and the role of Maghrebian broadcasters in them, who contributed to the dissemination of Nazi propaganda in the hope of saving Germany for their people and liberating them from French colonialism. During this study, we reached important results, most notably: the great impact of the population in the Maghreb by the quotas that were broadcast by the German radio, which had an impact on the renewal of their hopes for independence with the help of Germany, and these shares were also linked to the events and the course of the war, which took into account German interests in the first place, in the beginning, there was great enthusiasm by broadcasting tendentious news and harsh criticism against the French government, But since October 1940 it has been abolished by removing comments against its policy in the Maghreb, disappointing many Maghrebian collaborators and patriots.

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Alan :   Eğitim Bilimleri

Dergi Türü :   Ulusal

Makale : 6.985
Atıf : 20.649
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