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 Görüntüleme 23
 İndirme 3
Investigation of Local Scour around L-Shape Submerged Groynes in Clearwater Conditions
Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences

Submerged Groynes are low profile linear structures that are generally located on the outside bank to form Groynes fields and prevent the erosion of stream banks by redirecting high-velocity flow away from the bank. This research was studied in detail through two major stages. The first stage of the study is based on laboratory experiments to measure the development of local scour around L-shape submerged Groyne with the time, and special attention is given to the effects of different hydraulic and geometric parameters on local scour. Also; maps were drawn showing contour lines that represented the bed levels for maximum scour depth after reaching the equilibrium case. The result showed that a decrease in the scour depth ratio due to the increasing submerged ratio, and the number of Groynes. While the scour hole geometry will increase with the Froude number, flow intensity, and the spacing between Groynes, the decreasing percentage in the scour hole was measured to be about (4.3) % and (4.4) % for decreasing the spacing between Groynes from (2Lg) to (1.5Lg). Besides, it was range about (11.1) % and (14.0) % when reducing the spacing from (1.5Lg) to (Lg) under the same value of maximum Froude number. The second stage of the study is based on experimental results. A new formula was developed by using statistical analysis and it was found that a good determination coefficient.

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Benzer Makaleler

Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 536
Atıf : 103
Mühendislik Temel Alanı

Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences