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  Atıf Sayısı 4
 Görüntüleme 149
 İndirme 59
‘Emir bi’l-Ma‘rūf Nehiy ani’l-Münker’ İlkesinin Günümüz Dini Söylemin İnşasında İşlevsel Yönü

Din belli bir inanç sistemi etrafında insan hayatını şekillendiren olgular bütünüdür. Bütün dinler gibi İslam da inananlarına hayatlarını yönlendirecek bir yaşam tarzı oluşturma gayesi gütmektedir. Bu yaşam tarzı mü’minin hem mü’min ile hem de mü’min olmayanla ve çevresiyle ilişkisinin tamamını kapsamaktadır. Ancak insan her ne kadar çevreyle etkileşim içerisinde olsa da onun diğer insanlarla ilişkisi, hem bireysel hem de toplumsal açıdan öncelikli bir öneme haizdir. İslam dini de bu noktada inananların ötekiyle ilişkisini belirlemek için belli prensipler ortaya koymuştur. Bu prensiplerin en önemlilerinden biri “emir bi’l-maʿrūf nehiy ani’l-münker”dir. “Emir” kavramı her ne kadar “istemek veya emretmek” anlamıyla kabul görmüş olsa da kavramın birinci anlamı, iş veya olaydır. Dolayısıyla tam bir şekilde “emir” kavramını ifade etmek için her iki anlamın da bir arada düşünülmesi gereklidir. Bu bağlamda “emir” kavramı, kişinin söylediği, davet ettiği ve savunduğu iyi olan her şey için de davranışlar sergilemesidir. İlke de geçen “maʿrūf” kavramı, genel anlamı itibariyle aklın ve şeriatın iyi bulduğu her şeydir. “Nehiy” kavramı da “emr”in zıddı olarak kullanılmıştır. Bu anlamda kişinin kötü bir işten uzak durması, araç, gereç ve imkânlarını da kullanarak uzak tutmasıdır. “Münker” kavramı da anlam itibariyle maʿrūfun zıddı kabul edilmektedir. Bu bağlamıyla ele alındığında, aklın çirkin görüp kabul etmediği şey anlamına gelmektedir. Bu kavramların Kur’ân-ı Kerîm’de lügat anlamlarına yakın bir manada kullanıldıkları görülmektedir. Öyle ki “maʿrūf” kavramı, insanların sergilemiş oldukları birçok tutumun, davranışın, akıl tarafından kabul edilmesi veya reddedilmemesi şeklinde ifade edilmiş, toplumu yakından ilgilendiren infak, yardımlaşma gibi sosyo-ahlâkî ve insani pek çok hususu içerisinde barındırmıştır. “Münker” kavramında anlamsal bağlamı noktasında bir tahsise gidilmemiş ve “maʿrūf”un zıddı olarak kabul edilmiştir. Dolayısıyla zulüm ve adaletsizlik gibi toplumu ifsâd eden tüm davranışlar, “münker” olarak nitelenebilir. İlkenin Kur’ân-ı Kerim’de emir şeklinde gelmesi, uygulanmasının farz olduğu düşüncesine yol açmıştır. Bazı âlimler bu farzın, farz-ı ayn olduğunu düşünürken diğerleri farz-ı kifâye şeklinde anlamışlardır. Bu iki farz arasındaki farklılık ise farz-ı ayn’da sorumluluğun mü’minlerin tamamına yönelik iken farz-ı kifâye de ise belli bir grubun sorumluluğuna verilmesidir. İlkenin farziyeti noktasında mezhepler arasında bir ittifak söz konusu olsa da uygulanması noktasında farklı yaklaşımlar sergilenmiştir. Çünkü İslam âleminde ilk dönemde ortaya çıkan sosyo-politik kaos, beraberinde bir meşruiyet problemini de ortaya çıkarmıştır. Dolayısıyla her mezhep kendi düşüncesinin doğruluğunu nassa dayandırma adına “emir bi’l-maʿrūf nehiy ani’l-münker” ilkesine dayanmıştır. Bu bakımdan ilke tarihsel süreçte birçok siyasi, ideolojik amaca istinaden araç olarak kullanılmıştır. Tarihsel süreçte bu ilkenin siyasi, ideolojik ve mezhebi önkabuller bağlamında farklı anlamlar kazandığı da anlaşılır. Hâricîler, “emir bi’l-maʿrūf nehiy ani’l-münker” ilkesini başta imam olmak üzere, tüm Müslümanların vazgeçilmez bir vazifesi olarak kabul etmişlerdir. Onların ilkeyi uygulama yöntemi, savaşma üzerinde şekillenmiş böylece ilke onlar açısından şiddetin meşruiyet zeminini oluşturmuştur. “Emir bi'l-maʿrūf nehiy ani'l-münker” ilkesi, ilk kelâm ekollerinden biri olan Mu’tezile’nin beş temel prensibinden biridir. İlk etapta Mu’tezile her ne kadar bu ilkeyi ahlâkî açıdan ele alsa da İslâm toplumunda ortaya çıkan sosyo-siyasi karışıklıklar, ilkenin ideolojik ve siyasi yönüyle kullanılmasına zemin hazırlamıştır. Hâricîler’in isti’râz zihniyeti ve Mu’tezile’nin mihne hareketinin bir sonucu olarak, Ehl-i sünnet âlimleri, “emir bi’l-maʿrūf ve nehiy ani’l-münker” ilkesini, pasif bir muhalefet şeklinde eylemsel bir durum olmaktan çok kalbî bir durum olduğu görüşünü benimsemişlerdir. Toplumun birlik ve beraberliğinin sağlanması açısından önemli amaçlar edinen bu ilke, zamanla İslam toplumunda hedeflenen gaye açısından işlevselliğini kaybetmiştir. Günümüzde İslam’ın evrensellik iddiasını devam ettirebilmesi için bu prensibin günümüz insanının hayatına dokunan bir yapıyla ele alınmasını gerekli kılmaktadır. Bu hususta özellikle, kişiye özgü faktörler ve bireysel farklılıklar göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır. Çünkü insanların davranışlarının ortaya çıkmasında birçok faktör bulunmaktadır. Bunlardan biri de psikolojik faktörlerdir. Bu bakımdan insan davranışları ile ilgili gözlem yapıp ve hüküm verirken onların kendilerine has olan psikolojik yapılarının da göz önünde bulundurulması gerekir. İlkenin uygulanması noktasında dikkat edilmesi gereken önemli hususlardan biri de karşılıklı saygıdır. Saygı, kişinin düşünce, duygu ve eylemlerinde özgür olduğunun kabul edilmesidir. Kişinin kendini karşındakinin yerine koyması ve olaylara onun gözüyle bakması ilkenin işlevselliği açısından önemli olan diğer bir yöndür. Bu noktada uygulanması gereken önemli bir yöntem “Ben dili”dir. “Ben dili” de karşıdaki kişiyi küçük görmeden onu suçlamadan, bir konuya ilişkin duygu ve düşüncelerini iletmektir. Kişiler, “emir bi’l-maʿrūf ve nehiy ani’l-münker”i uygularken içlerinden geldiği gibi davranmalı, dürüst ve doğru olmaları gerekir. Özellikle bireyin rol yapmaması, olduğu gibi görünmesi dikkat edilmesi gereken önemli bir husustur. Kişinin inandırıcı olması, mesajın içeriğinin net olması, farklı niyet ve maksatlar taşımamaya özen gösterilmelidir. Ayrıca bireyin söz-eylem tutarlılığına dikkat etmesi gerekir. Çünkü insan duyduklarından çok gördüklerine inanma eğilimindedir. Netice itibariyle ilkenin günümüz dünyasında işlevsellik kazanabilmesi için birçok husus göz önünde bulundurulmalı, insanların ihtiyaç ve beklentilerine cevap verecek nitelikte söylem ve eylemler geliştirilmelidir. Dinin özellikle bütün toplumlar için öngördüğü değerler bağlamında bir metot geliştirilmeli ve sadece bu değerler anlatılmalı ve uygulanmalıdır. Bu değerlerin anlatıldığı kavramların da Kur’ân’ın anlayışına göre pratize edilmeleri gerekmektedir. 

Anahtar Kelimeler:

"Emir bi'l-Ma'rūf Nehiy ani'l-Münker" principle's functional direction in the construction of today's religious speech

Religion is the whole of the facts that shape human life around a certain system of beliefs. Like all religions, Islam also aims to create a way of life that will guide their believers. This way of life covers the relationship between the believer and the non-believer and his surroundings. But even though man is in interaction with the environment, his relationship with other people is a priority in both individual and social terms. The Islamic religion has also revealed certain principles to determine the relationship of the believers with others at this point. One of these principles is "emir bi'l-maʿrūf nehiy ani'l-münker". Although the concept of "Emir" has been accepted as the meaning of "wishing or ordering", the first meaning of the concept is business or event. Therefore, it is necessary to consider both meanings together to express the concept of "Emirate" in a complete manner. In this context, the concept of "Emirate" is to show behaviors for everything that the person says, invites and defends. The concept of "maʿrūf" that passes in the beginning is everything that mind and sharia find good in general meaning. The term “nehiy” was also used as the “emr” term. In this sense, it is the person to keep away from a bad job, to keep away using the means, the tools and the possibilities. The term “Munker” is also understood in terms of the meaning of Ma’rūfun. When dealt with this context, it means what the mind sees or does not accept. The Qur’an says that these words are used in the Qur’an in the meaning of a lie. So that the concept of "maʿrūf" has contained many social-ethical and human aspects, such as expenditure, aid, which is closely concerned with society, expressed in the form of acceptance or refusal of many attitudes, behaviors, behaviors and behaviors which people have shown. In the concept of "Münker" there was no assignment to the point of meaning in the context and it was regarded as the "maʿrūf"'s shade. Thus, all behaviors that express society such as misconduct and injustice can be described as "munkers". First of all, the Qur’an was revealed in the Qur’an, and the Qur’an was revealed in the Qur’an. Some people think that this is the same, while others think that this is the same, and others think that this is the same. The difference between these two phases is that the responsibility of the farce in the same way is directed to all believers, while the farce in the same way is given to a certain group of responsibilities. In the first instance there is an alliance between the disciples, but in the first instance there are different approaches to implementation. Because the social-political chaos that arose in the Islamic world in the first period has also revealed a problem of legitimacy. Therefore, every philosophy is based on the principle of "emir bi'l-maʿrūf nehiy ani'l-münker" in the name of ensuring the truth of its own thought. In this regard, the principle has been used as a tool for many political and ideological purposes in the historical process. It is also clear in the historical process that this principle gained different meanings in the context of political, ideological and religious precepts. The Muslims accepted the principle of "emir bi'l-ma'rūf nehiy ani'l-münker" as an indispensable duty of all Muslims, primarily Imam. The method of their principle of application was shaped on fighting so that the principle formed the ground of legitimacy of violence in their respects. The principle of "Emir bi'l-maʿrūf nehiy ani'l-münker" is one of the five basic principles of Mu'tezile, one of the first columns of the word. In the first phase, although Mu'tezile addressed this principle morally, the social-political confusion that arises in Islamic society has prepared the ground for the use of the principle in the ideological and political aspects. As a result of Hâriîl’i’râz mentality and Mu’tezile’s mihne movement, Ehl-i sünnet allies have accepted the principle of “emir bi’l-ma’rūf and nehiy ani’l-münker” that it is a very heartfelt state than being an actionful state in the form of a passive opposition. This principle, which has achieved important goals in terms of ensuring the unity and cohesion of the society, has lost its functionality in terms of the targeted gaye in the Islamic society over time. Today, in order to continue the claim of universality of Islam, it makes it necessary that this principle be addressed with a structure that touches the life of today’s man. In this regard, in particular, individual factors and individual differences should be taken into account. There are many factors in people’s behavior. One of these are psychological factors. In this regard, when observing and judging human behavior, it is necessary to take into account their own psychological structures. One of the important aspects to be taken into consideration at the point of implementation of the principle is mutual respect. Respect is the acceptance that a person is free in his thoughts, feelings and actions. The person’s position of himself in the opposite and looking at the events with his eyes is another direction that is important in terms of the functionality of the principle. One important method to be applied at this point is “I’m the language”. “I’m the language” is to communicate his feelings and thoughts about a subject, without accusing him of seeing the opposite person small. The people should act as they come from them when they practice "emir bi'l-maʿrūf and nehiy ani'l-münker" and they should be honest and true. It is especially important that the individual does not play a role, it is important to be careful that it looks like it. The person should be convincing, the content of the message should be clear, not carrying different intentions and purposes. It is also necessary that the individual pay attention to the consistency of the word-action. Because people tend to believe much more than they hear. Finally, many aspects should be taken into consideration in order to gain functionality in today’s world, speaking and acting in a quality that will meet people’s needs and expectations. A method should be developed in the context of the values that religion predicts especially for all societies, and only those values should be explained and applied. This is the meaning of the Qur’an, and the meaning of the Qur’an is the meaning of the Quran.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

The Functional Aspect Of Principle ‘al-amr Bi-l-ma‘rūf Wa-l-nahy ‘an Al-munkar’ On The Formation Of Today’s Religious Expression

Religion is a collection of facts that shapes human life around a certain belief system. Like all the other religons, Islam aims to provide a lifestyle to guide its believers’ life. This lifestyle covers the whole relationship of the believer between the non-believer and his environment. However, even though man interacts with the environment, his relationship with other humans has a priority both individually and socially. At this point, Islam introduced certain principles to determine the relationship of belie-vers with the other. One of the most important of these principles is “al-amr bi-l-ma‘rūf wa-l-nahy ‘an al-munkar (commanding right and forbidding wrong)”. Although the concept of “amr” (command) is accepted with the meaning of “ reques-ting or ordering”, the first meaning of the concept is action or event. Therefore, in order to fully express the concept of “amr”, both meanings must be considered to-gether. In this context, the concept of “amr” is to display behaviors for everything that is good, including what one says, invites and defends. The concept of “ma‘rūf” (commonly known or acknowledged), which is mentioned in the principle, is everyt-hing that reason and shariah consider good in general terms. The concept of “nahy” (forbid) is used as the opposite of “amr”. In this sense, the person's avoiding a bad action is to keep it away by using the means, equipment and facilities. The concept of “munkar” (mostly denied) is used as the opposite of “ma‘rūf”. Taken in this context, it means what the mind considers shameful and rejects it. It is seen that these concepts are used in a sense close to their glossary meaning in The Qur’ān. Such that, the concept of “ma‘rūf” has been expressed as the acceptance or rejection of many attitudes and behaviors by reason that humans exhibit, and it includes many socio-moral and humanitarian issues such as infaq (spending) and helping that concern society closely. Nothing has not been assigned for the concept of “munkar” in terms of its semantic context and it has been accepted as the opposite of “ma‘rūf”. Thus, all of the behaviors corrupting the society such as an oppression and injustice can be described as “munkar”. The fact that the principle is presented in The Qur’ān in the form of an order has led to the idea that its implementation is obligatory (farḍ). While some of the scholars think this farḍ as the obligation of the seIf (farḍ al-‘ayn), some of them emphasize it as the obligation of sufficiency (farḍ al-kifāyah). The difference between these two farḍ is that the fırst obligatory in farḍ al-‘ayn is on all believers, whereas the second obligatory in farḍ al-kifāyah is on a certain group. Although there is a unity among the sects in consideration of the principle as a farḍ, there have been different approaches in terms of its application. Because the socio-political chaos that emerged in the Islamic world in the first period brought with it a problem of legitimacy. Therefore, every sect has used the principle of “al-amr bi-l-ma‘rūf wa-l-nahy ‘an al-munkar” in order to base the truth of its own opinion. In this respect, the principle has been used as a tool for many political and ideological purpo-ses in the historical process. It is understood that in the historical process, this principle gained different meanings in the context of political, ideological and denominational presuppositions. Khārijites have accepted the principle of “al-amr bi-l-ma‘rūf wa-l-nahy ‘an al-munkar” as an indispensable duty of all Muslims, especially the Imam. Their method of applying the principle has been shaped on warfare, so the principle has created the legitimacy basis of violence for them. The “al-amr bi-l-ma‘rūf wa-l-nahy ʿan al-munkar” principle is one of the five basic principles of Mu‘tazila, one of the first theological schools. Despite the fact that Muʿtazila initially tackled this principle morally, the socio-political disorders that emerged in the Islamic society paved the way for the ideologi-cal and political use of the principle. As a result of Khārijites’ execution (isti’radh) mentality and inquisition movement (mihna) in Muʿtazila, Ahl al-Sunna scholars have adopted the view that the principle of “al-amr bi-l-ma‘rūf wa-l-nahy ‘an al-munkar” is more of a heart condition than an operational situation in the form of a passive opposition. This principle, which has acquired important goals in terms of ensuring the unity and solidarity of the society, has lost its functionality in terms of its target in the Islamic society over time. In order for Islam to maintain its universality claim today, this principle should be handled with a structure that touches the life of today’s humans. So especially the personal factors and individual differences should be considered. Since there are many factors for the occurrence of humans’s behaviors. One of them is the psychological factors. In this regard, the psychological structure specific to hu-mans’s behaviors should be considered to observe and adjudicate on them. One of the important issues to be considered in the practice of principle is the mutual respect. The respect is to accept that the person is free in his or her ideas, feelings and acti-ons. Another important factors for the functionality of this principle is that the per-son puts himself/herself into someone’s shoes and considers the events through his/her eyes. In this point, an important method to be applied is “I-language”. “I language” is to convey the feelings and views related to a subject without humiliating the opposite person and accusing him/her. Humans should behave uninhibitedly, be honest and truthful when applying the “al-amr bi-l-ma‘rūf wa-l-nahy ‘an al-munkar” principle. In particular, an important issue to be considered is that the individual does not act and looks as he/she is. The person should be credible, the content of the mes-sage should be clear, care should be taken not to carry different intentions and purpo-ses. Moreover, the individual should be consistent in his/her statements and actions. Since the man is in tendency of believing to what he/she sees rather than what he/she hears. The concepts that these values are told should be practised according to The Qur’ān’s perceptive. Consequently, many issues should be taken into considera-tion in order for the principle to become functional in today's world, and discourses and actions should be developed to meet the needs and expectations of humans. A method should be developed in the context of the values that religion has foreseen especially for all societies and only these values should be explained and applied. The concepts in which these values are explained should also be practiced according to the understanding of The Qur’ān.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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Alan :   İlahiyat; Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Dergi Türü :   Ulusal

Makale : 970
Atıf : 1.360
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