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Formasyon Öğrencilerinin Öğretmen Olgusuna İlişkin Algılarının Belirlenmesi
Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Eğitimi Dergisi

Bu araştırma formasyon öğrencilerinin öğretmen olgusuna ilişkin sahip oldukları zihinsel imgelerin belirlenmesini amaçlamaktadır. Araştırmaya katılanların öğretmen olgusuna ilişkin sahip oldukları zihinsel imgeleri belirlemek amacıyla her bir katılımcıya “öğretmen. . . dır/gibidir çünkü . . .” cümlesinin yer aldığı önceden hazırlanmış bir form dağıtılmış ve bu formdaki   “öğretmen. . . dır/gibidir çünkü . ….”  yazan boşlukları tamamlamaları istenmiştir. Bu amaçla verilen formdaki “öğretmen… dır/gibidir” bölümüne sadece tek bir zihinsel imge yazmaları, “çünkü ….” yerine ise  ürettikleri metafora  yoğunlaşarak düşüncelerini yaklaşık 20 dakika içinde dile getirmeleri istenmiştir. Araştırmaya, programa katılan BESYO, edebiyat, matematik ve tarih bölümlerinden öğrenciler katılmıştır. Soyut kategorisinde toplamda erkekler 61, kadınlar ise 34 farklı metafor üretmişlerdir. Erkekler en çok anne, arkadaş ve baba metaforlarını üretirken, kadınlar ise rehber, her şey, anne metaforlarını üretmişlerdir. Kadınlar altışar kişiyle en çok aile, eğitici ve her şey, erkekler ise en çok on bir kişiyle yol gösteren ve on kişiyle rehber metaforlarını üretmişlerdir. Somut kategorisi soyut kategorisine göre çok az sayıda metafor üretilen kategoridir. Bu kategoride erkeler 15, kadınlar ise 11 metafor üretmişlerdir. Erkeler ve kadınların ürettikleri metafor sayıları arasında fazla bir fark olmadığı görülmektedir. Bu kategoride en fazla erkeklerde 3 kişiyle kitap metaforu üretilmiştir. Hem erkek hem de kadınlarda üretilen diğer metaforların tamamı birer kişi tarafından üretilmiştir. 

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Identification of the students' perceptions of the teacher's situation

This research aims to identify the students' mental images they have about the teacher's fact. In order to determine the mental images that the participants have about the facts of the teacher; to each participant "the teacher. It’s good, because. ." a pre-prepared form in which the phrase is included is distributed and in this form "the teacher. It’s good, because. “...” They are asked to complete the vacancies. In the form given for this purpose, in the section "the teacher is ... is / is" they only write a single mental image, "because ...." Instead, they were asked to express their thoughts in about 20 minutes by concentrating their metafora. Students from the BESYO, literature, mathematics and history departments participated in the research, the program. In the soyut category; in total, men produced 61, and women produced 34 different metaphors. Many men have produced mothers, friends, and father metaphors, while women have produced guide, everything, mother metaphors. Women have a lot of family, educational and everything, and men have a lot of one-one guiding and a lot of ten guiding metaphors. The substantial category is a very few metaphors produced according to the abstract category. In this category, 15 men and 11 women produced metaphors. There is no big difference between the number of metaphors produced by men and women. In this category, a metaforic book was produced with three men. All other metaphors produced in both men and women are produced by one person.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Identifying The Formation Students’ Perceptions About Teacher Phenomenon

This research aims to identify the mental image related to the teacher phenomenon formation students have. Each participant was given a form which was prepared with the sentences like ‘Teacher is or is like…..because…..’ and was asked for filling in the blank in the sentence with the aim of identifying the mental images participants have related to the teacher phenemenon.In the form being given with this aim ‘Teacher is or is like…….’part should be written with the only a mental image, ‘because……..’part should express their ideas about 20 minutes by concentrating on metaphors.Physical education,literature,math and history students attended to the research.Research was made with the students who are in the different departments and attend the formation programme in the summer.Research was made with the 139 male and 93 female teachers and totally 232 people. Besides, direct expressions working group students create are excluded from the scope.so that this research concentration constitutes from describing the metaphors based on the figurative language use and describing the features of the usages. For this reason, Attending the research at beginning………student forms are examined and finally,…form is taken into consideration. In the abstract category, totally males created 65, females created 41 different metaphors. While males produced the most mother, friend and father metaphors, females produced guide, everything and mother metaphors. Females produced the most family, educative and everything with the six each but males produced the most showing the way with eleven each and guide with the ten each. Concrete category is a category much less metaphor produced than abstract category. Males produced 15 metaphors and males produced 11 metaphors from total 12 female participant and 19 male participants. Between the number of the metaphors males and females produced isn’t seen a lot difference.In this category, in males mostly book metaphor was produced.All of the other metaphors produced by males and females were produced by one person.In being investigated in terms of the departments, in the physical education department, males producedeleven different metaphors totally with the thirteen people,females produced 4 different metaphors totally with the four people.In the other departmets,participants produced one each metaphor

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Atıf Yapanlar
Bilgi: Bu yayına herhangi bir atıf yapılmamıştır.
Benzer Makaleler

Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Eğitimi Dergisi

Alan :   Eğitim Bilimleri

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 131
Atıf : 706
Eğitim Bilimleri Temel Alanı

Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Eğitimi Dergisi