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Physical Education and ethnic-racial identity: reflection of the state of the art in the brazilian publications of Physical Education

Abstract The article covers the "state of the art" and it aimed at identifying, in four journals that publish physical education studies, academic productions related to ethnic-racial issues. It made use of the concepts: identity, afro, ethnic, culture and ethnicity. 17 articles were analyzed containing in his/her discussion central ethnic-racial elements. The time frame of the research was from January from 2013 to January from 2018. To facilitate understanding of the articles, the articles were set into blocks according to common themes. The subsequent process was the analysis of the discussion of the concepts, investigating the understanding of the meanings inside each of the listed articles. The separation of the articles into bocks enable the observation of the characteristics and the treatment of the conceptual object. The concepts of identity and ethnicity were identified in all the articles, however without further development in the discussions. Author Biographies Pamela Tavares Monteiro, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo PHYSICAL EDUCATION STUDENT  


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Journal Type :   Uluslararası

Article : 1.095
Cite : 10