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 Görüntüleme 42
 İndirme 4
Фармацевтичний часопис

The aim of the work. Conduct an analysis of the domestic pharmaceutical market for contrast drugs (CD); to establish the volume of assortment positions of domestic manufacturers and to determine the dominant segment by the qualitative composition of the investigated drugs. Materials and Methods. The analysis was conducted on the basis of data from the State Register of Medicines of Ukraine, electronic databases, Morion information search program of 2019. The obtained research data were processed by methods of generalization, systematization, graphical, comparative and structural analysis.  Results and Discussion. It is established that 36 registered names belong to the group of registered contrast medicines, 31 of them refer to iodine-containing X-ray contrast drugs (5 drugs – ionic, 26 drugs – nonionic), 5 drugs make gadolinium and barium contrast media.The leader in the import of drugs is the manufacturer and the applicant, Unik Pharmaceutical Laboratories, India, whose share is 27.8 %. The volume of the domestic assortment segment is at the level of 33.4 %, the pharmaceutical company PJSC “Pharmak” is the leading among the domestic manufacturers.The structure of the assortment of the study group by trade names (TN) and the producing countries was studied: the total number of TN is 17 CD names, of which 5 TN belong to medicinal products from domestic pharmaceutical enterprises. The main contrast drugs investigated include 10 Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (AFIs), as well as excipients such as trometamol and/or tromethamine and meglumine, which contribute to the reduction of adverse reactions to the human body and improve the overall properties of CD. Conclusions. It is established that the Ukrainian CD market is formed mainly due to imported drugs, their share is 66.6 %. The absence of domestic production of such CD as non-ionic contrast iodine drugs: iodopromide, iodixanol was established.

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Benzer Makaleler

Фармацевтичний часопис

Alan :   Sağlık Bilimleri

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 1.111
Atıf : 21
Фармацевтичний часопис