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Comparison of Preparedness Levels of Health Personnel and Hospitals They Work in for Disasters and Emergencies
Middle Black Sea Journal of Health Science

Objective: All communities around the world can face a devastating disaster at any time. Therefore, it is of great importance for hospitals to maintain their medical care functions in cases of injuries that may occur after disasters. An effective disaster response in critical situations in hospitals requires not only well-planned and coordinated efforts but also well-trained and experienced professional staff. Our purpose was to investigate and compare the preparedness levels of health professionals and hospitals they work in for disasters and emergencies. Methods: The questionnaire used for the evaluation of health personnel was developed by the authors. The questionnaire has items on the participants’ demographic characteristics, assessment of hospital preparedness for disasters and emergencies (42 items) and assessment of health personnel preparedness for disasters and emergencies (29 items). Responses given to the items had options: “yes” or “no”. Each response given by the participants was scored as “1” for the “Yes” answer and “0” for the “No” answer. Then statistical analysis was performed. Results: The mean score obtained from the first part of the questionnaire was 26.0±13.28. The question that received the highest number 223 (91.4%) of “yes” answers from the participants was “Are there any emergency exit signs?” The mean score obtained from the second part of the questionnaire was 12.6±11.41. The question that received the highest number 162 (66.4%) of “yes” answers from the participants was “Do you know the phone numbers you need to call in an emergency (fire department, police)?” There was a positive and highly significant relationship between the hospital’s preparedness for disasters and emergencies and health personnel’s preparedness for disasters and emergencies (p<0.001). Conclusion: In the study, most of the health personnel thought that the hospital they worked in was prepared for disasters. It can be said that the construction of hospitals based on certain standards, and their management according to certain rules affect health personnel’s thoughts about their preparedness for disasters. However, health personnel think that their level of preparedness for disasters is low. Given important roles of health personnel in coping with disasters, health personnel are expected to know all stages of hospital disaster plans and to be capable of giving the necessary response in disaster situations

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Bilgi: Bu yayına herhangi bir atıf yapılmamıştır.
Benzer Makaleler

Middle Black Sea Journal of Health Science

Alan :   Sağlık Bilimleri

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 402
Atıf : 62
Sağlık Bilimleri Temel Alanı

Middle Black Sea Journal of Health Science