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6. Sınıf Türkçe Ders Kitaplarındaki Şiirlerin Estetik Unsurlar Açısından İncelenmesi
Turcology Research

Genel anlamıyla “güzellik bilimi” olarak da tanımlanan estetik, hem sanatı hem de doğadaki güzelliği, güzelin içsel yaşanışını ve bu içsel durumla sanat eserinin yapılışını inceleyen bir kavram olarak tanımlanabilir. Bu tanımda ön plana çıkan sanat-estetik ilişkisi, aynı zamanda sanat eserinin değerlendirilmesinde başvurulacak temel ölçütlerin başında gelen estetik kavramını ön plana çıkarmaktadır. Estetik ile ilişkili olan sanat ise bireyleri estetik / güzellik bilimine götürmektedir. Sanat, geçmişten bugüne kadar kendi içinde farklı şekilde sınıflandırılmıştır. Söz konusu sınıflandırmalar içinde en yaygını edebiyat (şiir, öykü, roman vb.), görsel sanatlar (resim, heykel, mimari vb.) sahne sanatları (tiyatro, dans vb.) ve müzik şeklindedir.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

6. Sınıf Türkçe Ders Kitaplarındaki Şiirlerin Estetik Unsurlar Açısından İncelenmesi

Aesthetics, also defined as "science of beauty" in general, can be defined as a concept that studies both the art and the beauty in nature, the inner experience of beauty and the creation of the artwork with this inner state. The art-esthetic relationship that stands in the forefront in this definition also brings the "esthetic" that comes at the beginning of the basic criteria to be applied in the evaluation of the artwork to a more noticeable point. The art word, which is almost impossible to think apart from aesthetics, is defined by French philosopher Lalande in his work, the Philosophical Dictionary, as "all kind of beautiful production produced by a conscious being". The expression "all kinds of beautiful production" that stands out in the definition leads us to "esthetic/beauty science". Art has been subjected to tasnife in many ways in itself. The most common in these categories is literature (poetry, story, novel, etc.Visual arts (picture, statue, architecture, etc.) Theatre Arts (theatre, dance, etc.) And in the form of music, the poem, which is a kind of literary enthusiasm, can be subject to many different reviews. Aesthetic examination is one of the poem examinations and includes the search for answers to a number of questions in terms of both form and mutuality of the poem, such as "unity of the poem, form of the poem, vein, kafiye, redif, repetitions, parallel speeches, phrase structure, image, unusual adaptations, literary arts". 6 in this work. The poems in the class Turkish curriculum are intended to be studied in terms of aesthetic elements. In the work that will be carried out in the design of the qualification, the document examination technique will be used. Poems will be studied in terms of elements such as the unit of nazim, the form of nazim, measurement, kafiye, redif, image and literary arts, the results obtained will be drawn up. In addition, the poems will be attempted to figure out how appropriate the poems are to the aesthetic sensitivity contained in the form of the "Metin, will contribute to the student's personal development and must be in the quality to give them a aesthetic sensitivity" included in the 2006 Turkish lesson teaching program.

Investigation On The Aesthetic Elements Poetry Of 6th Class Turkish Course Books

Aesthetics, which is generally defined as "beauty consciousness", can be defined as a concept that examines the beauty of both art and nature, inner happiness of beauty, and the construction of artwork with this inner state. The art-aesthetic relation that comes to the forefront in this definition carries more attention to the "aesthetic" that is at the beginning of the basic criteria to be used in the evaluation of the work of art. The expression "any kind of beautiful production" that stands out in the definition leads us to "aesthetics / beauty knowledge". Art has been subject to many forms in itself. The most common classifications are the performing arts (poetry, story, novel etc.), visual arts (painting, sculpture, architecture etc.), and stage arts (theater, dance etc.) Aesthetic examination is one of the poetry examinations, and poetry involves searching for answering a number of questions such as "poetry unit, verse form, meter, rhyme, repeats, parallel utterances, sentence structure, image, unusual interactions, literary arts" in terms of form and content. In this study, it is aimed to examine the poems in the 6th grade Turkish textbook in terms of aesthetic elements. In qualitative work, the document review technique will be used. Poems will be examined in terms of poetry unit, verse form, measure, rhyme, redif, image and literary arts, and the obtained results will be tabulated.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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Benzer Makaleler

Turcology Research

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 1.101
Atıf : 3.840
Filoloji Temel Alanı

Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Temel Alanı

Turcology Research