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  Citation Number 4
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Osmanlı Devleti ve İran’da Ulemanın Meşrutiyet Algısı
Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi

Osmanlı Devleti ve İran farklı dini, toplumsal ve siyasal yapılara sahip iki devlet olmasına rağmen, 19.yüzyılda batı tipi siyasal sistem değişikliği taleplerinin baskısı altında benzer politik süreçler yaşamıştır. Modernleşme yanlısı grupların öncülüğündebaşlayan, anayasalı meşruti bir düzen kurulması yönündeki talepler, geleneksel doğu toplumlarının önderi olan ulemanın da katılımı ile siyasi düzen değişikliklerine neden olmuştur. Kendi özgünlükleri içinde sosyal ve ekonomik değişimlerini yaşayan Osmanlı Devleti ve İran’da, toplumsal ve siyasal alandaki temel bazı benzerlik ve farklılıkları eş zamanlı olarak ele almak, karşılaştırmalı bir bakış açısı ile ulemanın iki ülkede ki meşrutiyet taleplerine karşı olan bakış açılarını ve sonrasındaki siyasal konum alışlarını ortaya koymak çalışmanın temel amacıdır.


The legitimacy of the Ottoman State and the Islamic State in Iran

Although the Ottoman State and Iran are two states with different religious, social and political structures, in the 19th century, the West-type political system has experienced similar political processes under the pressure of the demands of change. The demands for the establishment of a constitutional and legitimate order, which began under the leadership of modernization groups, have led to political order changes with the participation of the leader of traditional Eastern societies. In the Ottoman State and Iran, which experience social and economic changes within its own peculiarities, the main objective of the work is to address some fundamental similarities and differences in the social and political field at the same time, to show out the views of the uleman against the legitimacy demands in the two countries and the political position habits thereafter.


Perception Of Constitutionalism By Ulema In The Ottoman State and Iran

Although the Ottoman State and Iran were two sperate states with different religious, social and political structures, both states experienced similar political processes under the pressure of the demand for western type political system changes in the 19th century. The demands for the establishment of a constitutional system that started under the guidance of pro-modernization groups caused changes to the political system with the participation of ulema, who were the leaders of societies. The main purpose of this article is to concurrently discuss some of the main similarities and differences in social and political areas in the Ottoman State and Iran, which experienced political chances within their own characteristics and, present, with a comparative point of view, the perspectives of the ulema about the demands for constitutionalism in this two states and, the political positions of the ulema after the changes


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Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi

Field :   Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Journal Type :   Ulusal

Article : 1.068
Cite : 8.543
Basic Field of Social, Humanities and Administrative Sciences

Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi