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  Citation Number 10
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Çukurova Üniversitesi Türkoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi

Klasik Türk edebiyatında coğrafya (köyler, beldeler, şehirler, ülkeler...) manzum ve mensur birçok türe kaynaklık etmiş, gerçek yönüyle olduğu kadar dekoratif bir öge olarak da metinlerde yer almıştır. Klasik şairin coğrafyayla olan ilişkisi farklı türlerde metinlerin ortaya çıkmasını sağlamıştır. Bir şehrin ve o şehirdeki güzellerin konu edinildiği şehrengizler, şehrin çeşitli yönlerden ele alındığı şehir methiyeleri; bir şehre yönelik şairin eleştirisini, bir şehrin içinde bulunduğu durumdan şikâyeti ve kaybedilen bir şehrin ardından duyulan üzüntüyü dile getiren şehir şiirleri bunlardan sayılabilir. İstanbul başta olmak üzere iskele ve semtleri, pazarları, mesire ve eğlence yerlerini, su kaynaklarını ele alan sâhil-nâme/sevâhil-nâme, sûkiyye, mesâir-nâme, miyâhiyye başlığı altındaki şiirler de coğrafyaya/yer adlarına dayalı yazılmıştır. Coğrafyaya/yer adlarına dayalı şiir türlerinden biri de bilâdiyeler/belde-nâmelerdir. Bilâdiyelerde Osmanlı Devleti’nin geniş coğrafyasının yanı sıra birçok yer adı tevriye, iham gibi çeşitli sanatlarla ele alınmıştır. Arayıcı-zâde Hüseyin Ferdî, Lutfî, Derviş Ömer, Zihnî, İştibî Ahmed, Mecdî ve Hikmetî edebiyatımızda bu türde şiirleri bilinen şairlerdir. Bilâdiye türünde şiir yazan isimlerden biri de sâhil-nâmesi ile maruf Osman İzzet’tir (öl. 1797-98). Bu çalışmada İzzet’in bilâdiyesinin ilim âlemine tanıtılması ve bilâdiye çalışmalarına katkı sağlanması amaçlanmıştır. Bu doğrultuda bilâdiyenin çeviri yazılı metnine yer verilmiştir. İzzet’in bilâdiyesi şekil özellikleri, anlatım yolları ve muhteva bakımından incelenmiş; diğer bilâdiyelerle karşılaştırılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonunda İzzet’in mevcut bilâdiyeler arasında en uzun bilâdiyeyi (101 beyit) yazdığı, en fazla belde/şehir/ülke ismine (200 isim) yer verdiği, diğer bilâdiyelerden farklı olarak bilâdiyesini bir İstanbul methiyesi şeklinde düzenlediği görülmüştür.


A History of Istanbul: The History of Izet

In the classical Turkish literature, geography (cities, villages, cities, countries, etc.) has originated many types of manzum and mensur, and in its real direction, it has also appeared in the texts as a decorative object. The relationship of the classical poet with the geography made the appearance of texts in different kinds. These can be the city poems in which a city and the beauty of that city are subjected, the city texts in which the city is addressed in various aspects, the poet’s criticism of a city, the complaint of the state in a city, and the sadness that is heard after a lost city. It is the name of the people, the people, the people, the people, the people, the people, the people, the people, the people, the people, the people, the people, the people, the people, the people, the people, the people, the people, the people, the people, the people, the people, the people, the people, the people, the people, the people, the people, the people, the people, the people, the people, and the people. One of the names of the poems is the name of the poems, the name of the poems. In Biladias, in addition to the wide geography of the Ottoman State, many places have been addressed with various arts such as tevriye, kham. Those who are in the midst of the covenant, and those who are in the midst of the covenant, and those who are in the midst of the covenant, and those who are in the midst of the covenant, and those who are in the midst of the covenant, and those who are in the midst of the covenant, and those who are in the midst of the covenant. One of the names of the poet is the name of the poet, and the name of the poet is the name of the poet, and the name of the poet is the name of the poet. from 1797 to 98). In this study, it is intended to promote the knowledge of the world and contribute to the knowledge of the world. This is the translation of the knowledge in the written text. The knowledge of the image of Iszet is studied in terms of characteristics, narrative and mutuality; it is compared to other knowledge. At the end of the study, it was seen that Izzet wrote the longest of the existing awards (101 awards), most of the city / city / country names (200 names) and organized its awards differently from other awards in the form of an Istanbul text.


A Praise Of Istanbul: Izzet’s Biladiye

In classical Turkish literature, geography (villages, towns, cities, countries ...) has inspired several poetic and prose genres and has been included as a decorative element apart from its literal meaning in texts. A classical poet’s relation to geography has enabled texts of different genres to be created. Sehrengizs in which a city or beauties of that city are discussed, city praises analyzing a city from various aspects, city poems expressing a poet’s criticism regarding a city, complaint about current situation of a city and sorrow felt for a city lost are among these genres. Poems under the headings of sahil-name/sevahil-name, sukiyye, mesair-name, miyahiyye dealing with piers and districts, markets, picnic and amusement areas, water resources of cities, particularly of İstanbul have been written based on geography/place names. One of the poetic genres based on geography/place names is biladiye/beldename. In biladiyes, many place names apart from Ottoman Empire’s vast geography were discussed through various arts such as tevriye and iham. Arayıcı-zade Hüseyin Ferdi, Lutfi, Dervish Ömer, Zihni, İştibi Ahmed, Mecdi and Hikmeti are well-known poets of this genre in our literature. Moreover, one of the poets writing poems in biladiye genre is Osman İzzet (death 1797-98), well-known with his sahil-name. In this study, it was aimed to introduce İzzet’s biladiye to the world of education and to contribute to works of biladiye. Accordingly, translated script of the biladiye was presented. İzzet’s biladiye was analyzed in terms of style, turn of expression and content, and it was compared and contrasted with other biladiyes. It was found as a result of the study that İzzet wrote the longest biladiye among others (101 couplets), included the greatest number of town/city/country names (200 names) and composed his biladiye as a praise of İstanbul unlike other biladiyes.


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Çukurova Üniversitesi Türkoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi