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  Citation Number 6
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AHP ve TOPSIS Yöntemleri Kullanılarak Motorlu Kurye Seçimi: İlaç Sektöründe Bir Uygulama
Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi

İlaçların ecza depolarından eczanelere zamanında, hızlı ve güvenilir bir şekilde teslim edilmesi her iki taraf için de önemlidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, ilaç sektöründe faaliyet gösteren bir ecza deposu için en uygun motorlu kurye seçimi probleminde AHP ve TOPSIS yöntemlerini kullanmaktır. Karar verici olarak firmanın personel seçiminden sorumlu uzman görüşüne başvurulmuştur. Literatür taraması ve firmanın personel müdürü ile yapılan görüşmeler sonucunda “teknik yeterlilik”, “fiziksel yeterlilik”, “sosyal yeterlilik”, “mesleki yeterlilik” ve “kişisel özellikler” olmak üzere beş ana kriter belirlenmiş ve bunların alt kriterleri tanımlanmıştır. AHP yöntemi ile ana ve alt kriterlerin ağırlıkları belirlenmiştir. Motorlu kurye adayları AHP ve TOPSIS yöntemleri kullanılarak ayrı ayrı sıralanmıştır. Analiz sonucunda, motorlu kurye seçim kriterleri arasından en önemli kriterin “teknik yeterlilik” kriteri, en önemsiz kriterin ise “sosyal yeterlilik” kriteri olduğu görülmüştür ve “Kurye 3” her iki yönteme göre yapılan sıralamada da en uygun aday olarak tespit edilmiştir.


AHP and TOPSIS methods for engine mailing: an application in the pharmaceutical industry

It is important for both sides that the medication is delivered from the ecsa warehouses to pharmacies in a timely, fast and reliable way. The aim of this study is to use the AHP and TOPSIS methods in the problem of choosing a suitable motor mail for an ecza warehouse operating in the pharmaceutical industry. The decision was made to the expert opinion responsible for the selection of the company’s staff. As a result of the literature scan and conversations with the company’s staff manager, five main criteria, “technical qualification”, “physical qualification”, “social qualification”, “professional qualification” and “personal characteristics” were determined and their subcriteria were defined. The AHP method determines the weight of the main and lower criteria. The motor courier candidates are classified separately using the AHP and TOPSIS methods. As a result of the analysis, the criteria for the selection of motor curry were found to be the criteria of "technical qualification" of the criteria, the criteria of "social qualification" of the criteria, and the "curry 3" was identified as a suitable candidate in the rankings made according to both methods.


Motorized Courier Selection Using Ahp and Topsis Methods: An Application In Pharmaceutical Sector

Timely, fast and reliable delivery of medicines from pharmaceutical warehouse to pharmacies is important for both parties. The aim of this study is to use AHP and TOPSIS methods to select the most suitable motorized courier for a pharmaceutical warehouse operating in the pharmaceutical sector. As a decision maker a specialist opinion was consulted who was responsible for the firm's personnel selection. Literature review and as a result of interviews conducted with the firm's personnel manager were defined five main criteria (technical competence, physical competence, social competence, professional competence and personal characteristics) and subcriteria. Weights of the main and subcriteria were determined using the AHP method. Motorized courier candidates were ranked separately using AHP and TOPSIS methods. Analysis results showed that the most and least important criteria for motorized courier selection were technical competence and social competence, respectively and “Courier 3” is the most suitable candidate according to both methods.

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Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi