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  Citation Number 4
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Plio-Quaternary stress states along the Kütahya Fault and surroundings, NW Turkey
Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences

The Kütahya Fault, which is one of the major neotectonic structures in western Anatolia, Turkey, is an active fault constraining the southern margin of the approximately E-W trending Kütahya Basin between the Eskişehir Fault to the north and the Simav Fault to the south. In the present study, inversion of both fault kinematic analysis of fault-slip data and focal mechanism solutions from the Kütahya Fault and surroundings is used to understand the Late Cenozoic stress states. The fault kinematic analysis result yielded three different stress regimes from Mio-Pliocene to Quaternary. Firstly, strike-slip faulting developed under a NE-SW trending local compressional regime with 51° ± 24° (σ1) and 140° ± 7° (σ3) trends and Rm ratio was calculated as 0.61, consistent with this faulting. NW-SE trending consistent extensional direction produced local normal faulting with 144° ± 3° (σ3) trend. Secondly, strike-slip faulting developed under a NW-SE trending local compressional regime showing 143° ± 17° (σ1) and 51° ± 10° (σ3) trends and Rm ratio was calculated as 0.51. Finally actual normal faulting developed under a NNE-SSW trend with a regional extensional direction showing 42° ± 14° (σ3) and Rm ratio of 0.56 at the present time. Inversion of the earthquakes gives a NNE-SSW extension direction with 21° ± 19° (σ3) trend and Rm ratio calculated as 0.68 at the triaxial. The Kütahya Fault and surroundings are under an extensional regime at the present time. The reason for the regionally effective NNE-SSW trending extensional regime in western and southwestern Anatolian is complex subduction processes (roll-back, retreat, delamination, slab-tear, slab-break-off and/or slab-pull) of the African Plate and the Anatolian Platelet in the Mediterranean region.


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Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences

Field :   Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik

Journal Type :   Uluslararası

Article : 773
Cite : 2.709
Basic Field of Science and Mathematics

Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences