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 Görüntüleme 53
Investigation of the reasons for attribution of success and failure of second-class primary school students to music lesson
Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences

In this study, which was conducted to compare the achievement attributions of second-class primary school students to music lessons and different variables, students' attitudes, extracurricular activities, music lesson learning environment, block flute and ability dimensions were examined, and these sub-dimensions were classified and the effects were investigated according to grade level, gender, whether received (amateur) instrument training or not, the idea of success, school and attention. The research, in which the relational scanning model was used, was conducted with 676 students from the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades of primary education, who were selected from the central districts of Gaziantep and were educated in the institutions that provide musical instrument training. As a result of the research, it was understood that students attribute success in music to ability, attitude and music lesson learning environment. However, students' achievement attributions differ significantly according to grade level, gender, the idea of success, school and whether they have received musical instrument training or not. It is seen as a positive situation that students who receive general and sympathetic instrument education attribute their success in music lessons at school to the music lesson learning environment and attitude. It should be perceived as a positive situation that these students, who take general and amateur instrument education, attribute success towards music lessons at school to the music lesson learning environment and attitude because a positive attitude means that the student likes the music lesson, attaches importance to it and is interested. Likewise, the reason for the success attributed to the music lesson learning environment can be interpreted as the interest in the music lesson, the positive approach of the teacher, the endearment of the lesson and the use of appropriate strategies. Keywords: Music lesson, success and failure, second class, primary school, attribution theory.

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Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences