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 Görüntüleme 22
 İndirme 3
Ultra-Wide-Band Microstrip Patch Antenna Design for Breast Cancer Detection

In this paper, a novel design for an ultra-wide-band (UWB) microstrip antenna with enhanced bandwidth for early detection of breast cancer has been proposed. It has been designed using CST software, which is a 3D analysis software package for electromagnetic components and systems design, analysis, and optimization. FR-4 has been used as a substrate, with dimensions of 60 × 70 mm, having a circular patch with a defected ground structure to reach the desired outcomes. The antenna has a peak gain of 4.431 dBi and works between 1.6 GHz and 10 GHz, which gives a bandwidth of 8.4 GHz with an average of –15 dB. The result of the simulation is presented in terms of radiation pattern, bandwidth, and return loss, and the validation of the proposed work is presented by the gain and the efficiency. A breast phantom model has been designed containing a tumor placed in a specific location, This, when combined with the kinetics of contrast medium propagation in various tissues, may effectively simulate normal breast tissue. The cancerous tumor is detected using specific absorption rate (SAR) analysis. The SAR is the rate of energy absorption in a tissue and is measured in W/kg. The SAR results are a maximum at the coordinates (1.085, 9.47273, 32.25), close to the actual location of the tumor at (0, 10, 40) The results display the ability to detect the tumor inside the breast and to reveal its location with high accuracy, and the antenna radiation meet the SAR standards.

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Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 563
Atıf : 287