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  Atıf Sayısı 2
 Görüntüleme 35
 İndirme 2
Influence of some plant nutrients on sweet cherry cultivars grafted on plum rootstocks (Prunus cerasifera) in soil with high pH
Soil Studies

This study was aimed to investigate the ability of the plums belonging to Prunus cerasifera species to be rootstock to some cherry cultivars and to examine the effect of rootstock, variety and their combinations on mineral nutrition. Rootstock-scion relationship and plant nutrient transmission were investigated in Napoleon, Starks Gold and Lambert cherry cultivars grafted on 10 selected rootstocks. As a result of the investigations, it was determined that the selected rootstocks were quite effective in transmitting the macro and micro plant nutrients to the cherry cultivars. It was noteworthy that the foliage phosphorus (0.15-0.52%) and potassium (1.65-4.00%) contents of the rootstocks were high. Although the leaf iron contents of rootstocks (49.11-74.42 mg kg-1) remained relatively below the reference values, deficiency symptoms such as chlorosis were not observed in the leaves. A strong correlation (r = 0.780**) was found between leaf chlorophyll contents and Cu. Translocated graft incompatibility was observed in some rootstocks. In combinations with not good graft compatibility, decreases in the transmission of plant nutrients were determined in general. At the end of the study, the idea that Prunus cerasifera wild plum species can be a good clone rootstock alternative for sweet cherry growing in high pH soils has emerged.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Soil Studies
Soil Studies
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Benzer Makaleler

Soil Studies

Dergi Türü :   Ulusal

Makale : 193
Atıf : 920
Soil Studies