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Altmış Sekiz Kolonik Lipomlu Olgunun İncelenmesi
Akdeniz Tıp Dergisi

Amaç: Bu çalışmada üçüncü basamak bir merkezde kolonoskopide lipom tespit edilen hastaların en sık lokalizasyon, uygulanan tedaviler ve eşlik eden endoskopi bulgularını içeren demografik ve klinik özelliklerini araştırdık.Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu çalışma Ocak 2014-Temmuz 2017 tarihleri arasında hastanemizde kolonoskopi yapılan hastaların kayıtları retrospektif incelenerek yapılmıştır. Bu tarihler arasında 7250 hasta dosyası taranmış ve lipom tespit edilen 80 hasta bulunmuştur. Kolonoskopide klasik lipom tanımı yapılmayan veya biyopsi ile lipom tanısı konulmayan ve veri eksikliği olan 12 hasta çalışmadan çıkarıldıktan sonra 68 hasta çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir.Bulgular: Araştırma popülasyonu 29 kadın %43 ve 39 erkek %57 erkek hasta olmak üzere 68 kişiden oluştu. Hastaların ortalama yaşı 58 idi . Hastalarda toplam 76 tane lipom tespit edildi. Bir hastada üç tane lipom tespit edilirken altı hastada iki tane lipom tespit edildi. Diğer tüm hastalarda tek bir lipom vardı. Lipomların en sık görüldüğü yerler ise sırasıyla transvers kolon %32 , asendan kolon %26 , ileoçekal valv %16 ve çekum %9 idi. Lipomlara en sık eşlik eden kolonoskopik bulgu ise polipler idi % 51 . Lipom boyutu 2 cm’den büyük veya semptomatik olan altı hastaya tedavi uygulandı %9 . 2 cm’den büyük ancak semptomatik olmayan beş lipom olgusuna endoloop tedavisi uygulandı. İleus nedeniyle hastaneye başvuran ve kolonoskopide transvers kolonda 5 cm boyutunda lipom tespit edilen bir hastaya ise cerrahi rezeksiyon uygulandı.Sonuç: Kolonik lipomlar sıklıkla sağ kolonda ve tek olarak bulunan, polipler ile yakın ilişkili, çoğu zaman asemptomatik benign lezyonlarıdır


Sixteen Colonial Lipomed Obesity Review

Purpose: In this study, we examined the demographic and clinical characteristics of the most frequent localization, the treatments and accompanying endoscopic findings of the patients identified with lipom in a third stage centre.Reasons and methods: This study was conducted by retrospective examination of the records of the patients carried out colonoscopy in our hospital between January 2014-July 2017. Between these dates, 7250 patient files were scanned and 80 patients with lipoma were found. In the colonoscopy, 68 patients were included in the study after the study was removed from 12 patients who did not have a classical lipoma diagnosis or did not have a biopsi lipoma diagnosis and with data deficiency.The research population consisted of 68 people, 29 women 43% and 39 men 57% male patients. The average age of patients was 58. In total, 76 patients were diagnosed with lipoma. In one patient three lipomas were detected, while in six patients two lipomas were detected. All other patients had a single lipoma. The most common locations of lipomas were 32% transversal colon, 26% asendan colon, 16% cylindrical valve and 9% traction. The most frequent colonoscopic findings accompanied by lipomas were polyps, 51%. Treatment was given to six patients with a lipom size of more than 2 cm or symptomatic 9%. The phenomenon of five lipomas greater than 2 cm but non-symptomatic was applied endoloopic treatment. A patient who was hospitalized due to Ileus and had a lipoma of 5 cm in the transversal column in the colonoscopy was subjected to a surgical recession. Conclusion: Colonial lipomas are often in the right column and single, closely related to polyps, often asymptomatic benign lesions.


Analysis Of Sixty-eight Colonic Lipoma Cases

Objective: In this study, we investigated the demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients who had lipomas detected by colonoscopy in a tertiary care center, including the most common localization, applied treatments, and associated endoscopy findings.Material and Methods: This study was carried out by retrospectively studying the records of patients undergoing colonoscopy in our hospital from January 2014 to July 2017. 7250 patient files were scanned and 80 patients with lipomas were detected. 12 patients with missing data and unproven lipomas were excluded from the study and 68 patients were included in the study.Results: The study population consisted of 68 patients 29 43% female and 39 57% male . The mean age of the patients was 58 . A total of 76 lipomas were detected. Three lipomas were detected in one patient, two lipomas were detected in six patients. All other patients had a single lipoma. The most common sites of lipomas were the transverse colon 32% , ascending colon 26% , ileocecal valve 16% and cecum 9% . The most frequently associated colonoscopic finding was polyps 51% . Six patients with a lipoma size greater than 2 cm or who were symptomatic were treated 9% . Endoloop therapy was applied to five asymptomatic lipomas larger than 2 cm. Surgical resection was performed in a patient who applied to the hospital due to ileus and had a 5 cm lipoma in the transverse colon.Conclusion: Colonic lipomas are benign lesions that are frequently single, asymptomatic, found in the right colon and associated with polyps


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