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  Citation Number 2
 Views 55
 Downloands 6
Mühendislik Bilimleri ve Tasarım Dergisi

Dünya nüfusunun artmasına bağlı olarak yapı sektöründe doğal yapı taşlarına olan talep her geçen gün artmakta olup doğal taşların kullanım alanlarının doğru tespit edilebilmesi için fiziko-mekanik özelliklerin belirlenmesi gerekmektedir. Ayrıca fiziko-mekanik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi doğal taşların kullanım alanlarındaki davranışlarının da anlaşılması açısından önem arz etmektedir. Doğal taşların kullanım alanlarına göre belirlenmesi gereken mekanik özelliklerden birini oluşturan aşınma direncinin tespiti için yaygın olarak kullanılan yöntem Böhme aşınma testidir. Bu çalışma da farklı kökenli kayaçların (magmatik, metamorfik, sedimanter) fiziko-mekanik özelliklerinin belirlenmesiyle aşınmaya karşı dayanım dirençlerinin tahmini istatistiksel yöntemlerle incelendi. Bu amaçla Anadolu’nun farklı bölgelerinden farklı kökenli doğal taş örnekleri toplanmış ve bu örneklerde Böhme aşınma deneyi ve fiziko-mekanik deneyler yapılmıştır. Doğal taşların Böhme aşınma direnci ile kuru yoğunluk, porozite, ağırlıkça su emme, P dalga hızı, Schmidt çekiç değeri, tek eksenli basma değerleri arasındaki ilişkiler basit regresyon ve çoklu regresyon analizleriyle incelenmiştir. Çoklu regresyon analiziyle geliştirilen denklem yardımıyla belirlenen Böhme aşınma direnç değerleri ile deneysel yöntemlerle belirlenen Böhme aşınma direnç değerleri arasında R2=0,92 olarak belirlenmiştir. Yapılan bu çalışma ile farklı doğal taşların aşınma direncinin tahmininde Böhme aşınma testinden farklı olarak diğer fiziko-mekanik özelliklerden elde edilebilecek denklemler geliştirilmiştir.


The physical mechanical characteristics of natural stones

Due to the growth of the world’s population, the demand for natural structural stones in the construction sector is increasing every day and the physical and mechanical characteristics are needed to be identified in order to correctly identify the areas of use of natural stones. Furthermore, the determination of the physical-mechanical characteristics is important to understand the behavior of natural stones in the fields of use. The method commonly used for the detection of the stretching resistance, which constitutes one of the mechanical characteristics that should be determined according to the areas of use of natural stones, is the Böhme stretching test. This study was also studied by statistical methods by determining the physical-mechanical characteristics of different rocks (magmatic, metamorphic, sedimant) and the estimated resistance to stretching resistance. For this purpose, samples of natural stones of different origins from different regions of Anatolia were collected and these samples were conducted by the Böhme extraction experiment and physico-mechanical experiments. Relationships between the natural stones' Böhme coating resistance and dry intensity, porosity, heavy water absorption, P wave speed, Schmidt drag value, one-axis printing values have been studied with simple regression and multiple regression analysis. By the help of the equation developed by multiple regression analysis, the Böhme stretching resistance values and the Böhme stretching resistance values determined by experimental methods were determined as R2=0.92. This study has developed equations that can be obtained from other physical-mechanical properties, unlike the Böhme stretching test, in the prediction of the stretching resistance of different natural stones.


Estimation Of Bohme Abrasion Resistance Through The Physico-mechanical Properties Of Natural Building Stones

Due to the increase in the world population, the demand for natural building stones in the building sector is increasing day by day, and it is necessary to determine the physico-mechanical properties of natural stones in order to accurately determine the usage areas. In addition, determining the physico-mechanical properties is important in terms of understanding the behavior of natural stones in their usage areas. The commonly used method for determining the abrasion resistance, which constitutes one of the mechanical properties that should be determined according to usage areas, is the Böhme abrasion resistance test. In this study, by determining the physico-mechanical properties of rocks having the different origin (igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary), the strength resistance to the abrasion resistance of the rocks was investigated by statistical methods. For this purpose, natural stone samples with different origin were collected from different regions of Anatolia, and physico-mechanical experiments and the Böhme abrasion resistance tests were carried out. Relationships between Böhme abrasion resistance and dry density, porosity, water absorption by weight, P-wave velocity, Schmidt hammer value, uniaxial compressive strength values of natural stones were investigated with simple regression and multiple regression analysis. A high positive correlation (R2=0.92) was determined between the Böhme abrasion resistance values determined by the equation obtained from multiple regression analysis and the Böhme abrasion resistance values determined by experimental methods. With this study, equations that can be obtained from other physico-mechanical properties, different from the Böhme abrasion resistance test, were developed for the estimation of the abrasion resistance of different natural stones.


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Field :   Mimarlık, Planlama ve Tasarım; Mühendislik

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Basic Field of Engineering

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Mühendislik Bilimleri ve Tasarım Dergisi