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KAP gap about Contraceptives among students of class x and xi of different schools of Nalanda District
International Journal of Health and Clinical Research

Background: Unintended pregnancies resulting in several maternal morbidities and mortalities are still a major public health challenge in most parts of the world. Female secondary school students are particularly vulnerable due to their engagement in unsafe sex and low uptake of family planning services. Aim and objective: This study was aimed to examine KAP gap about Contraceptives  among students of class x and xi of   different schools of Nalanda District. Material and methods: This was a descriptive cross sectional study conducted in the Department of Community Medicine, Vardhman Institute of Medical Sciences, Pawapuri, Nalanda, Bihar, India from October 2019 to September 2020. Total 400 school students from Nalanda district were include in this study. Information about the study was explained to participants’ and informed written consents were sought from each student (16-19 years old) or their guardians/parents (14-16 years old). Results: Out of 400 students most participants, 250 (62.5 %) were aged between 14 and 16 years and 310 (77.5 %) were Hindus.  Students in class 10th were, 260 (65 %), and 11th 140 (55 %). 42 (21%) of the respondents have had sexual intercourse in their life time; about 32 (76.19) were by their consent and about 10 (23.81) were forced. Of those who had forced sex, student peers 28 (66.67%), unknown persons 14 (33.33%) were committing for majority of forced sex. those who practiced sexual intercourse 24 (12%), only 20 (10%) of them had used emergency contraception and oral contraceptive pills were the only emergency contraception used. Of those who have used ECs 12 (60%) of them used with correct time and half of them were advised by the male partner. Some of the reasons for not using emergency contraception were fear of social stigma 11 (55%). Knowledge of Emergency Contraceptives 178 (89%) of respondents who know about ECs, 125 (62.5%) agreed to use ECs when they practice unintended sexual intercourse, 160 (80%) gave their opinions to advice their friends to use ECs, 106 (53%) of respondents were replied to agree with increment of prevalence of HIV/AIDS and other STIs when emergency contraceptive use in the society increases. Conclusion: Most school students in Nalanda District do not utilize family planning services despite of adequate level of knowledge on FPS. Interventions to improve utilization of FPS among secondary school students should address barriers to low utilization of FPS mentioned in this study. Keywords: UNFPA, UNAIDS, WHO

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International Journal of Health and Clinical Research

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

International Journal of Health and Clinical Research