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  Citation Number 2
 Views 55
 Downloands 21
Gençlik Merkezi Müdürlüklerinde Çalışan Personellerin Çalışma Ortamlarında Maruz Kaldıkları Yıldırma Davranışlarının Cinsiyet Yönünden İncelenmesi
International Journal of Sport Culture and Science

Purpose of this study in to define the mobbing actions that the personnel working at the directorates of the Youth Centers of the Youth Services and Sports Directorates are exposed to in their working environment in terms of gender. The subjects of the study, which was conducted by using scan model, are composed of 233 volunteer personnel who work at the Directorates of Youth Centers at different regions who were elected randomly. Data of the study was collected by “Negative Behavior Scale (NAQ)”. In the study frequency, percentage, standard deviation, arithmetic mean, cross table and t- and k square test was used. At the end of the study it was found that the level of exposing to mobbing acts was at medium lower level (1.94) according the sex of the participants, women were exposed more to mobbing (2.01) when compared with males (1.91), there was not a statistically significant and meaningful difference between mobbing and gender and mobbing was applied to male and female personnel by male personnel (35.6%).


examination of the gender-wise behavior of the years of exposure in working environments of staff working in youth center managers

aim of this study in treasure the mobbing actions that the compromise working at the leadership of the youth centers of the youth services and sports directorates are exposed to their working environment in terms of gender the subject of the study which was conducted by using the scan model are prepared of 233 volunteers who work at the managerates of youth centers at different regions who were killed in the study was collected by “ behavior behavior scale naq” ın the study frequency percent standard azamethiphos arithmetic mean table and the crossroads of the cbbed out of the test was to the cbbed in the cbbing of the mass was conducted in the support of the cbbing of the study was to the cbbed in the cx was conducted in the cbbed out of cx was conducted in the study from the cx and was conducted in the study was to the majority of the cx was conducted in the cbbed in the mass-pro-in was conducted in the study in the study of the study in the study in the majority of the majority of the majority of the majority of the majority of the majority of cbbed out of the study was paid to cbbed in the majority of the mass-in was


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