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  Citation Number 23
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Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi

Evrensel tasarım ya da herkes için tasarım ile erişilebilirlik kavramları, birçok anlamıyla hayatımızda değer bulmaktadır. Evrensel tasarım; fizyolojik özelliklerine, yaşına, cinsiyetine, sosyal, ekonomik ve eğitim düzeyine bakılmaksızın, toplumdaki farklı özelliklere sahip tüm insan grupları için ortak tasarımlar yapmayı amaçlar. Önemli olan fiziksel çevrenin her zaman her koşulda kullanabilir olmasıdır. Çünkü her insan yaşamın farklı dönemlerinde, kısıtlamalara maruz kalabilmektedir. Dolayısıyla evrensel tasarımın temel amacı, mekanların insanlara uyum sağlayabilmesini sağlamak, insan hareketlerini kısıtlamak yerine, erişilebilirliği daha da kolaylaştırmaktır. Tasarımcının görevi ise, tüm insanlar için herkesin olası özelliklerine göre ihtiyaçları kusursuz şekilde karşılayacak mekanların oluşmasını sağlamaktır. Bu çalışma kapsamında, fiziksel çevrenin tüm kullanıcı grupları tarafından rahat, güvenli ve bağımsız şekilde kullanılabilmesinin sağlanmasında mekan tasarımına yönelik temel bilgiler ortaya konmuştur. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, çocuk, yaşlı veya engelli olmak gibi farklı insanlık halleri ve konu ile ilgili kavramlar açıklanmıştır. Ayrıca, farklı insanlık hallerinde bulunan bireyler, özel gereksinimi olan kısıtlı bireyler ile mimari tasarım ve mekan ilişkisi kurulmaya çalışılmıştır. Sonuç olarak engelli, kısıtlı ve ötekileştirilmeye çalışılan bireylerin ihtiyaçlarına da cevap verebilen tasarımların ayrım yapmaksızın gerçekleştirilmesi gerekliliği vurgulanmıştır.


I have a universal design for everyone.

The concepts of universal design or accessibility with design for everyone find value in many ways in our lives. Universal design aims to make common designs for all groups of people with different characteristics in society, regardless of their physiological characteristics, age, gender, social, economic and educational levels. The important thing is that the physical environment can always be used in any circumstances. Everyone in different periods of life can be subjected to restrictions. Therefore, the main objective of universal design is to ensure that spaces can be adapted to people, rather than to restrict human movements, making accessibility even easier. The task of the designer is to ensure that the creation of spaces that perfectly meet their needs according to each person’s potential characteristics for all people. In this study, the basic information for space design has been revealed in ensuring that the physical environment can be used comfortably, safely and independently by all user groups. In line with this purpose, the concepts related to different human conditions and subject such as being a child, an elderly or disabled have been explained. In addition, individuals in different state of humanity have been attempted to establish an architectural design and space relationship with limited individuals with special needs. As a result, it was emphasized the need to realize designs that can also meet the needs of disabled, limited and attempted individuals without distinction.


Accessible Design For All Within The Scope Of Universal Design

Universal design or design for everyone and accessibility concepts find value in our lives in many ways. It aims to make common designs for all people with different characteristics in society, regardless of their physiological characteristics, age, gender, social, economic and educational level. Importantly, the physical environment can always be used in all conditions. Because everyone can be exposed to restrictions in different periods of life. Therefore, the main purpose of universal design is enable spaces adapt people and facilitate accessibility rather than restrict human movements. The task of designer is create spaces that will meet the needs of everyone according to possible characteristics of everyone. With study, basic information regarding space design has been presented in ensuring that the physical environment can be used comfortably, safely and independently by all user groups. For this purpose, different humanitarian states such as being a child, elderly or disabled, related concepts are explained. Also, an attempt has been made to establish a relationship between architectural design and space, with individuals in different human states and with limited individuals with special needs. Consequently, it was emphasized that designs can meet the needs of disabled, limited and marginalized individuals should be realized without discrimination.


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