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Bir İhtirasın Hikâyesi: Selçuklu Devlet Adamı Tâcü’l-Mülk’ün İktidar Mücadelesi
Turcology Research

İslâm tarihinde Abbâsîlerden itibaren halîfe veya sultandan sonra devletin en önemli kurumu haline gelen vezîrlik, Büyük Selçuklu Devleti’nde ilk defa Sultan Tuğrul Bey döneminde ihdas edilmiştir. Bu dönemde vezîr olan ilk kişi Amidü’l-Mülk Kündûrî’dir. Büyük Selçuklu Devleti’nde uzun süre vezîrlik yapan Nizâmü’l-Mülk ise devleti âdeta baştan sona tanzim etmiştir. Sultan Melikşah’a tavsiye edildikten kısa süre sonra devletin önemli makamlarını ele geçirip, sultanın hazinesi, saray işleri, şehzâdelerin eğitimi ve idarî işlerden sorumlu bir yönetici durumuna gelen Tâcü’l-Mülk, Nizâmü’l-Mülk’ün bir bâtınî fedâisi tarafından öldürülmesinden sonra vezîrlik makamına getirilmiştir. Selçuklu melikleri arasındaki taht mücadeleleri sırasında da etkili olan Tâcü’l-Mülk, bu mücadelelerde Nizâmü’l-Mülk’ün sağlığında desteklediği Berkyaruk’a karşı Terken Hâtûn ve Halîfe ile birlikte Mahmud’u destekleyerek onun adına hutbe okutulup sultan ilan edilmesinde önemli rol oynamıştır. Berkyaruk-Mahmud mücadelesinde Mahmud yenilince Tâcü’l-Mülk yakalanıp Berkyaruk’un huzuruna getirilmiştir. Daha önce Berkyaruk’a karşı takındığı bütün olumsuz tavırlara rağmen yeni sultan onun tecrübesinden faydalanmak için vezîr yapmak istemiştir. Ancak durumu kabul etmeyen Nizâmü’l-Mülk’ün taraftarları tarafından 486/1093 tarihinde kırk yedi yaşındayken parçalanarak öldürülmüştür. Bağdad’daki Taciyye Medresesi ve İsfahan’daki Gumbet-i Hâkî adında iki eser Tâcü’l-Mülk tarafından yaptırılmıştır. Kaynaklar Tâcü’l-Mülk’ün cömert, faziletli ve iyi bir insan, siyâsî bakımdan ise çok ihtiraslı bir kişi olduğunu kaydetmişlerdir. Bu çalışmada dönemin kaynakları ışığında Selçuklu devletinin siyâsî tarihi özelinde ünlü devlet adamı Tâcü’l-Mülk ele alınmıştır.


The story of a stranger: Selçuklu State Man's Struggle for Power
Turcology Research

In the history of Islam, from the Abbasians to the Halîfe or Sultan to the state-owned institution, the worship was for the first time in the Great Selçuklu State in the period of Sultan Tuğrul Mr. This is the first one to be given to the worship of the worship. The greatness of the kingdom, which has long been in the midst of the kingdom, has been the greatness of the kingdom, which has been the greatness of the kingdom. Shortly after it was advised to Sultan Melikshah, he took over the important authorities of the state and was brought to the jurisdiction of the Sultan's treasury, palace affairs, educational and administrative affairs, Tâcü'l-Mülk, after being killed by a baptist sacrifice of Nizâmü'l-Mülk. Through the throne struggles between the Selçuklu angels, Tâcü'l-Mülk, who was also influential during these struggles, played an important role in the proclamation of the sultan in his name by supporting Mahmud and Terken Hâtûn and Halîfe against Berkyaruk, which Nizâmü'l-Mülk supported in his health. In the battle of Berkyaruk-Mahmud, when Mahmud was renewed, Tâcü'l-Mülk was captured and brought to the presence of Berkyaruk. Despite all the negative attitudes he had before against Berkyaruk, the new sultan wanted to take advantage of his experience. But he was murdered by the supporters of Nizâmü'l-Mülk who did not accept the situation in 486/1093, when he was fourteen and seven years old. The two works of Taciyye Medresesi in Baghdad and Gumbet-i Hâkî in Isfahan were made by Tâcü'l-Mülk. The sources have recorded that Tâcül-Mülk is a generous, beneficial and good man, and politically a very careful person. In this study, in light of the sources of the period, the famous state man Tâcü'l-Mülk was addressed in the political history of the Selçuklu state.


The Story Of An Ambition: The Power Struggle Of The Saljuk Statesman Taj Al-mulk
Turcology Research

Vizierate, which became the most important government office after the caliph or sultan since the Abbasids in Islamic history, was first created by Sultan Tughril Beg in the Great Seljuk Empire. The first person to be appointed as a vizier during the reign of in this time was Amid al-Mulk Kunduri. Serving for a long period of time as the grand vizier of the Great Seljuk Empire, Nizam al-Mulk organised the state entirely so to speak. Taj al-Mulk, who got hold of the primary government offices shortly after being recommended to Sultan Malik Shah and became an administrator responsible for the Sultan’s treasury, court affairs, education of princes and administrative affairs, was appointed as the vizier after Nizam al-Mulk was assassinated by a Batini assassin. Also playing a significant role in the struggles for the throne among the Seljuk maliks, Taj al-Mulk cooperated with Terken Khatun and the caliph to support Mahmud against Barkiyaruq, whom Nizam al-Mulk supported in his lifetime, and played a major role in ensuring that khutbahs are held in Mahmud’s favour and that he is declared the sultan. When Mahmud lost the struggle against Barkiyaruq, Taj al-Mulk was captured and brought to Barkiyaruq. Despite Taj al-Mulk’s adverse activities against him, the new sultan wanted to make vizier in order to benefit from his experience. However, at the age of forty-seven in 486/1093, he was killed by being torn to pieces by the supporters of Nizam al-Mulk, who did not accept his vizierate. Taj al-Mulk founded two architectural works: the Tajiyya Madrasa in Baghdad and Gunbad-e Khaki in Isfahan. Historical sources recorded Taj al-Mulk as a generous, virtuous and good man, but an extremely ambitious politician. The present study addressed the famous statesman Taj al-Mulk within the context of the political history of the Seljuk Empire in light of the sources from that period.


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Turcology Research

Journal Type :   Uluslararası

Article : 1.101
Cite : 3.836
Basic Field of Philology

Basic Field of Social, Humanities and Administrative Sciences

Turcology Research