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الشيخ محمد أسعد أفندي الأربيلي حياته وآثاره (1847-1931) في ضوء المصادر التركية والمحلية
Bingöl Üniversitesi Yaşayan Diller Enstitüsü Dergisi

Sheikh Muhammed Asaad Effendi Al-Erbili (1847-1931) is considered one of the prominent figures who lived at the end of the Ottoman Empire era and the beginning of the establishment of the Turkish Republic. He witnessed most of the events in that period. Because he spent more than half of his life in Istanbul. Standing on the life of this guide Sheikh is of great importance Because his successors, followers and followers - about ninety years after his death - are still scattered in Turkey and abroad, but it is noted that the Arabic and Kurdish library is devoid of any published work on the life and work of this sheikh, the guide, the poet and the martyr fighter. At a time when the Sheikh had a long history and great influence in the science of guidance and behavior, it is also noted that he left books and monuments to his followers and followers in the sciences of Sharia (especially in the sciences of interpretation and hadith), in addition to a poetry book that includes his poems in Turkish, Persian, Arabic and Kurdish in the field of gratitude and mysticism. The Turkish library is rich in studies and books about this Arbil Sheikh, but our historians did not benefit from them Therefore, this research is the first scientific work in the Arabic language about his biography and effects, and it may be the first research of its kind as it was based on Turkish, Arabic and Kurdish sources without being limited to Turkish sources, and it also benefited from personal interviews, so what has been published so far in Turkish has not had this feature.


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Bingöl Üniversitesi Yaşayan Diller Enstitüsü Dergisi

Field :   Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Journal Type :   Ulusal

Article : 129
Cite : 2.875
Bingöl Üniversitesi Yaşayan Diller Enstitüsü Dergisi