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St Theresa International College Management Of Quality Of Education According To The Thai Higher Education Standards 2018
İlköğretim Online

The objective of this a qualitative research is to study the state of the management of education quality according to the Thai Higher Education Standards of 2014 of St. Theresa International College and the college’s management of education quality according to Higher Education Standards 2018. The sample population was 10 groups totaling 154 people of Quality Assessment experts, quality assessors, and administrators, Heads of curriculum managers, instructors, employers of interns, and employers of the graduates, the graduates, and students. The research instrument used was in-depth interview. Data collected was analyzed with the Content Analysis technique. It was found that 1) the state of the college’s management of quality of education according to the Thai Higher Educational Standard 2014 placed importance mainly on input factors and processes such as curriculum, instructors, and students. 2) The principles, concepts, and goals for education management were set towards learning outcomes of students and the graduates 3) The quality of education standard of the college was organized into three key levels – curriculum, faculty, and institution 4) The college implementation of its internal quality assurance included the preparation of quality improvement plans, quality control, and internal quality audit. The internal quality audit was conducted once a year yearly by a mix of 66% external assessors and 34% internal assessors 5) the college performed continuous quality improvement by using the results from internal quality audits (all 3 levels) to make improvement and risks management plans as well as drawing best practices from previously effective improvement processes 6) External Quality Assurance Audit was performed on the college by ONESQA from which the quality is accredited for five years since 2022 7) The Contrast Analysis between the college’s principles, concepts, and goals of quality management and the results from the management of quality of the college indicated that students in their final academic year attained the highest levels of desired key learning aspects namely Learner Person, Co-creator, Global Citizen, 21st Century Skills, and English Proficiencies which exceeded the goals of the college’s quality improvement plans.

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Alan :   Eğitim Bilimleri

Dergi Türü :   Ulusal

Makale : 6.985
Atıf : 20.649
Eğitim Bilimleri Temel Alanı

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