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The Relationship between Organizational Identification and Job Satisfaction in Retail Industry
International Journal of Commerce and Finance

The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between organizational identification and job satisfaction among retail industry employees. Quantitative data was gathered using questionnaires. To ensure the scales' validity, principal component analysis was used. Cronbach alpha values were calculated to assess reliability. Simple regression was used to test the theoretical model hypothesis. The analyses were carried out using the statistical software SPSS. As the result of the analyses performed, the main hypothesis was supported. It has been empirically proven that Organizational Identification has positive effect on Job Satisfaction. Although these two constructs are subjects that have been researched for years, this research adds to the literature by investigating how the job satisfaction of employees working at a particular sector, the national retail industry, is affected within the framework of organizational identification. As a result, the study's findings indicated that further research should be done to improve organizational identification among employees in the retail industry to boost job satisfaction and decrease the risk of leaving.


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International Journal of Commerce and Finance

Field :   Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Journal Type :   Uluslararası

Article : 211
Cite : 129
Basic Field of Social, Humanities and Administrative Sciences

International Journal of Commerce and Finance