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  Atıf Sayısı 3
 Görüntüleme 38
 İndirme 9
II. Meşrutiyet Döneminde Akim Kalmış Bir Eğitim Projesi: Medrese-i Aşâir

Tanzimat’la birlikte yoğun modernizasyon faaliyetlerinin cereyan ettiği bir alan hâline dönüşen Osmanlı eğitim tarihi, günümüz eğitim kurumlarından büyük bir kısmının kuruluşuna tanıklık etmiştir. Tanzimat’la başlayıp II. Abdülhamit döneminde nicelik ve nitelik itibariyle çeşitlenerek artan batı tarzı eğitim kurumlarının yanında, geleneksel eğitim kurumu olan medreselerin de ıslah edilerek çeşitlenmesi, II. Meşrutiyet döneminde gerçekleşebilmiştir. Bu süreçte projelendirilen eğitim kurumlarından büyük bir kısmı hayata geçirilmiş olmasına rağmen, bir kısmı kısa sürede kapanmış, az da olsa hayata geçirilemeden proje aşamasında kalanlar olmuştur. II. Meşrutiyet döneminde medreselerde gerçekleştirilen ıslahatın, gerek yapı, gerekse program itibariyle batı tarzı mektepler modellenerek gerçekleştirildiği müşahede edilmektedir. Bu medreselerden biri de II. Abdülhamit döneminde açılmış olan Aşiret Mektebi örnek alınmak suretiyle projelendirilen, ancak hayata geçirilmesi mümkün olmayan Medrese-i Aşâir’dir. Özel bir amaca yönelik planlanan ve teşkilat yapısı ve programı itibariyle de Aşiret Mektebi’ni çağrıştıran bu medrese, akim kalmış önemli bir proje olarak arşivdeki yerini almıştır. Bu makale, adı geçen medresenin kuruluş amacını, teşkilat yapısını, ders programını ve müfredatını, arşiv belgelerine dayalı olarak ortaya koyan ilk çalışma niteliğindedir.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

II. Meşrutiyet Döneminde Akim Kalmış Bir Eğitim Projesi: Medrese-i Aşâir

The Ottoman education history, which has become a field where intensive modernization activities are being carried out along with Tanzimat, has witnessed the establishment of a large part of today’s educational institutions. Starting with Tangerine II. In the period of Abdülhamit, in addition to the increasing variety in terms of quantity and quality of the Western style educational institutions, the traditional educational institutions are also healed and diversified, II. It could occur during the period of law. Although the majority of the educational institutions projected in this process have been implemented, some have been closed shortly, and some have remained in the project phase without being implemented. and II. In the period of legitimacy, the moisture performed in medreses, the need to build, if necessary, the program according to the western style of the mectus is made by modeling. One of these is the II. It is the one who has been given the name of the name of the name of the name of the name of the name of the name of the name of the name of the name of the name of the name. This medrese, which is planned for a special purpose and calls for the Aşiret Mektebi according to the organization’s structure and program, has taken its place in the archive as an important project. This article is the first study that reveals the organization purpose, organization structure, curriculum and curriculum, based on the archive documents.

An Education Project During The Second Constitutionalist Period That Was Never Realized: The Ashair Madrasa

The history of education in the Ottoman Empire –which has transformed into a fi eld of intense modernization activities after the Tanzimat reform era – has witnessed the birth of the majority of today’s educational institutions. In addition to the westernstyle educational institutions, which started emerging during Tanzimat and increased both in quality and quantity during the period of Abdülhamit, the diversifi cation of traditional education institutions, namely madrasas, by means of reform was only possible during the Second Constitutional Period. Despite the fact that many of the educational institution projects that have been designed during this period have been put into practice, some of these institutions have closed in a short period of time and some have remained in the project phase without ever being realized. During the Second Constitutional Period, it is observed that the reforms carried out in the madrasas were done by modeling western-style educational institutions with regard to their structure and curriculum. One of these madrasas is the Ashair Madrasa: it was designed after the example of Ashiret (tribal) schools – which were opened during the period of Abdülhamit II – but never became a reality. This madrasa, which was planned for a special purpose and resembled the Ashiret School with its organizational structure and curriculum, has taken its place in the archive as an important and unrealized project. This article is the fi rst study to reveal the establishment purpose, organization structure, syllabus, and curriculum of the aforementioned madrasa based on archive documents.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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Makale : 2.389
Atıf : 6.070
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