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An Investigation of Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Female School Administrators
International Online Journal of Educational Sciences

As in the rest of the World, finding a place in business life for women in Turkey also requires harder processes compared to men. Both her gender-specific characteristics and the responsibilities imposed on women by the society can be counted at the top of the factors preventing women from entering the business life and showing a steady promotion. It is seen that the visibility of women who have started to make their presence felt in business life in managerial positions is much lower than that of men. The existence of stereotypes against women is a problem. The aim of the study is to reveal the level of teachers’ attitudes towards female school administrators in terms of some variables. The research is quantitative research designed with survey model. The sample of the research consists of 511 teachers working in 30 primary schools in the districts of Akçakale, Eyyübiye, Haliliye and Karaköprü in the province of Şanlıurfa that were determined by simple random sampling method in the 2018-2019 academic year. The quantitative data aimed to determine teachers’ attitudes have been collected scale “Attitude Scale Towards Female School administrators”.  The data collected have been analyzed through parametric tests.  The results of the research have revealed that the teachers’ attitudes towards female school administrators are positive.  It has been found out that teachers have more positive attitudes towards female school administrators in the sub-dimension of interpersonal relations compared to other sub-dimensions gender, age and the working time spent with female school administrators have been determined as variables making a significant difference in teachers’ attitudes towards female school administrators. It has been found that that the branch and the employment type of female school administrators are not variables making a significant difference on the attitudes towards female school administrators.  Suggestions, based on the results of the research, have been presented to practitioners and researchers.


An Investigation Of Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Female School Administrators
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International Online Journal of Educational Sciences

Field :   Eğitim Bilimleri

Journal Type :   Uluslararası

Article : 1.022
Cite : 2.348
Basic Field of Educational Sciences

International Online Journal of Educational Sciences