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  Atıf Sayısı 3
 Görüntüleme 64
 İndirme 10
The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies

Günümüzde, sivil ve askeri boyutuyla nükleer teknoloji, bir ülkenin güçlü bir dış politika izleyebilmesine olanak sağlayan en önemli etkenlerden biridir. Şah yönetimi tarafından İran’ın nükleer programının hayata geçirilmesinin ve İslam Devrimi sonrasında yeni rejim tarafından nükleer programa kaldığı yerden devam edilmesinin en önemli nedeni de nükleer teknolojinin dış politika üzerindeki bu rolüdür. Ancak, İran İslam Devrimi sonrasında İran rejiminin mevcut uluslararası düzene karşı çıkışı nedeniyle ABD, uluslararası sistemde dengelerin kendi aleyhine değişmesini istemediği için İran’ın nükleer programını bir tehdit olarak algılamıştır. Dolayısıyla da İran’a nükleer programı konusunda uluslararası baskı uygulamaya başlamıştır. Bu durumun üstesinden gelmek isteyen İran ise gizli nükleer faaliyetlere yönelmiştir. Ancak, 2002 yılında İran’ın gizli nükleer faaliyetleri gün yüzüne çıkmıştır. Böylece İran ve ABD arasında kısa sürede UAEA, AB, BM, Rusya ve Çin gibi önemli aktörlerin de dahil olduğu nükleer kriz ortaya çıkmıştır. Nükleer enerji ise İran için bir beka sorunu haline gelmiştir. Bu sebeple de İran’ın nükleer krize ve nükleer müzakerelere yönelik izlediği politika İran dış politikasının en önemli gündem ve dinamiği olmuştur. İran nükleer enerji politikasını gerek dış politikasını güçlendirmek gerek bölgesel ve uluslararası güç dengesinde etkili bir rol oynamak için ideolojiden bağımsız olarak sürdürmüştür. Bu çalışmada da İran’ın dış politika çıkarlarının rejimden bağımsız olarak takip edildiği nükleer enerji politikası bağlamında ortaya konulacaktır.

Anahtar Kelimeler:


Today, nuclear technology in its civil and military dimensions is one of the most important factors that enable a country to pursue a strong foreign policy. The main reason for the implementation of the Iranian nuclear program by the Shah administration and the continuation of the place where the new regime left the nuclear program after the Islamic Revolution is the role of nuclear technology in foreign policy. However, due to Iran’s resistance to the current international order after the Islamic Revolution, the United States has seen Iran’s nuclear program as a threat because it does not want the balance in the international system to change against itself. Therefore, it began to impose international pressure on Iran on its nuclear program. Iran, who wants to overcome this situation, has turned to secret nuclear activities. However, in 2002, Iran’s secret nuclear activity was revealed. Thus, the nuclear crisis between Iran and the United States soon emerged, including major actors such as the UAE, the EU, the United Nations, Russia and China. Nuclear energy has become a big issue for Iran. Therefore, the policy of Iran towards the nuclear crisis and nuclear negotiations has become the most important agenda and dynamic of Iran’s foreign policy. Iran has continued its nuclear energy policy independently of the ideology to play an effective role in the regional and international power balance that needs to strengthen its foreign policy. This study will also reveal the interests of Iran’s foreign policy in the context of the nuclear energy policy where it is followed independently from the regime.

Nuclear Program, Nuclear Crisis and Nuclear Negotiations In Iran’s Foreign Policy

Today, nuclear technology, with its civilian and military aspects, is one of the most important factors to enable a country to pursue an influential foreign policy. The most important reason behind actualisation of Iran’s nuclear program under the Shah regime and the policy to continue the program following the Islamic Revolution is inter-linked to this effect of nuclear technology over foreign policy. However, since the Iranian regime has been backlashing the existing international order following the Iran’s Islamic Revolution and the US does not want change in the international balance of power against itself, the US has been considering Iran’s nuclear program as a threat. Hence, the US has started an international campaign against Iran due to its nuclear program. In order to overcome this campaign and pressure, Iran has directed its route to secret nuclear activities. However, in 2002, Iran’s secret nuclear activities were brought to light. Since then a nuclear crisis emerged between Iran and the USA, into which international actors such as IAEA, EU, UN, Russia and China became involved. Nuclear energy, therefore, became an issue of survival for Iran. To this end, the policy pursued by Iran towards nuclear crisis and nuclear negotiations has become the most critic agenda matter and dynamic of Iran’s foreign policy. In order to strengthen its foreign policy and to play a more pominent role in regional and international balance of power, Iran has sustained its nuclear policy independent from the ideological determination. In this study,the determination of Iran to achieve its foreign policy goals independent from the ideological determination will be set forth through the analysis of the nuclear energy policy.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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Benzer Makaleler

The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 3.435
Atıf : 11.868
Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Temel Alanı

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Spor Bilimleri Temel Alanı

İlahiyat Temel Alanı

Güzel Sanatlar Temel Alanı

Eğitim Bilimleri Temel Alanı

Filoloji Temel Alanı

The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies