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  Citation Number 26
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Gazi İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi

Günümüz işletmeciliğinde, işletme amacı değer artırma olarak ifade edilmektedir. Kar maksimizasyonu kavramının risk kavramını içermemesi, özsermayeyi bedelsiz kabul etmesi, hissedar beklentilerini dikkate almaması gibi nedenlerle yerine değer maksimizasyonu kavramı geçerli hale gelmiştir. Bunun neticesinde muhasebe karı yerine piyasa koşullarında ortaya çıkan firma değeri kavramı yaygınlaşmıştır. Bu çalışmada işletmelerin finansal yapılarından ortaya çıkan risklerin firma değeri üzerine etkileri panel veri analiziyle test edilmiştir. 2008-2015 döneminde, İstanbul Sanayi Odası tarafından açıklanan 2015 yılı ilk 500 firma içerisinden, aynı zamanda Borsa İstanbul’da işlem gören3 5 firma incelenmiştir. Çalışmada bağımlı değişkenler olarak TBNQ ile PDDD, bağımsız değişkenler ise Finansal Kaldıraç (KLD), Kredi Riski (KRD), Kur Riski (KUR) ve Likidite Riski (LKD) seçilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucunda, kaldıraç ve kredi riskleri firma değerini pozitif; kur ve likidite riski ise negatif etkilediği görülmektedir.


The impact of financial risks on the company’s value: BIST examples

In today’s business, the business goal is expressed as value increase. The concept of profit maximization has become applicable for reasons such as the notion of risk, the acceptance of the capital for free, not taking into account the shareholder’s expectations, the notion of value maximization has become applicable. As a result, the concept of company value that emerges in market conditions instead of accounting profits has spread. In this study, the impact of the risks arising from the financial structures of on the company’s value was tested by panel data analysis. During the period 2008-2015, the first 500 companies in the year 2015 that were announced by the Istanbul Chamber of Industry, also 5 companies that were traded in the Stock Exchange in Istanbul, were examined. In the study, dependent variables were selected by TBNQ and PDDD, while independent variables were Financial Lifting (KLD), Credit Risk (KRD), Kur Risk (KUR) and Liquidity Risk (LKD). The study finds that lifting and credit risks have a positive impact on the company’s value, while currency and liquidity risks have a negative impact on the company’s value.


The Effect Of Financial Risks On Firm Value: Ise Case

  ABSTRACT In today’s business management, the purpose of company is expressed as the increase of value. The concept of value maximization becomes valid instead of the concept of profit maximization due to the lack of the inclusion of the concept of risk, accepting the free of equity, not taking into consideration of shareholders expectations. Thus, the concept of firm value which appears in market conditions has become widespread instead of accounting profit. In this study, the effects of risks which emerges from financial strutures on firm value has been analyzed with panal data anaysis. 35 firms which are selected from first 500 firms declared by Istanbul Industry Board and also traded in Borsa Istanbul, were investigated in the period of 2008-2015. In the study, TBNQ and PDDD has been selected as dependent variables; on the other hand, Financial Leverege (KLD), Credit Risk (KRD), Currency Risk (KUR) and Liquidity Risk has been selected as independent variables. As a result of the study, while KLD, KRD variables affect the firm value positively, KUR and LKD variables affect negatively.


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Gazi İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi