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Ebû Yûsuf’un İbadet Konularında Ebû Hanîfe ve Muhammed eş-Şeybânî’den Farklı Görüşleri ve Nedenleri
Tokat İlmiyat Dergisi

Bu çalışmada Hanefî mezhebindeki en önemli üç imâmdan biri olan Ebû Yûsuf’un hayatı ve ilmi şahsiyeti, diğer iki Hanefî imâmı Ebû Hanîfe ile Muhammed b. Hasan eş-Şeybânî’den ibadet konularında ayrıldığı konular ele alınmıştır. Ebû Yûsuf Hanefî mezhebinin ikinci kurucu imâmı olduğu gibi, mezhebin müdevvini ve üçüncü imâmı olan Muhammed eş-Şeybânî’nin de hocasıdır. Dolayısıyla mezhebin kuruluşunda ve günümüze gelmesinde kilit rol oynamıştır. Ebû Yusuf’un Medine’de İmâm Mâlik’in, Ahmed b. Hanbel’in ise Bağdat’ta kendisinin derslerine katılmış olması sebebiyle de adeta mezhepler arasında köprü rolü oynamıştır. Onun fıkıh yanında hadisteki alanın büyük alimlerince de itiraf edilen otoritesinin, mezhebin itibarını artırdığı söylenebilir. Makalede Ebû Yusuf'un ibadet alanındaki diğer iki imâmdan ayrıldığı on beş konu ele alınmış, bunlardaki görüş farklılığının çoğunlukla şunlardan kaynaklandığı ortaya çıkmıştır: Şer’î nasların yorumunda ihtilaf, farklı hadisler veya bir hadisin farklı rivayetleri arasında tercihte farkılık, konunun mahiyetine ilişkin görüş farklılığı ve tarafların birbirlerinden farklı kıyasları kullanmaları. Diğer mezheplerin bu ihtilaflarda nerede durduklarına bakıldığında ise genel olarak Ebû Yûsuf ile Tarafeyn’e aynı mesafede oldukları görülür.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

In the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

In this study, one of the three most important imams in the Hanefite religion, the life and the knowledge of the person, the other two Hanefite imams, Abu Hanifite and Muhammad bin Hasan, were discussed in the subjects of worship. The second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, the third, Therefore, he played a key role in the establishment of the discipline and in its coming to the present day. Abou Yusuf played a bridge between the disciples in Medina because Imam Malik and Ahmed B. Hanbel participated in his lessons in Baghdad. In addition to his fiction, it can be said that the authority recognized by the great scientists in the hadith area increased the reputation of the philosophy. In the article, the fifteen subjects of Abu Yusuf's dividing from the other two imams in the field of worship were discussed, and the differences in their views were mostly derived from: the differences in the interpretation of the Sheriff's nations, the differences in preference between the different hadiths or the different rivers of a hadith, the differences in the opinion of the subject and the use of the different comparisons between the parties. When they see the other disciples where they stand in these disputes, they are generally at the same distance with Abu Yusuf and Tarafeyn.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

The Different Views Of Abū Yūsuf From The Views Of Abū Ḥanīfa and Muḥammad Ibn Al-ḥasan Al-shaibānī In The In Matters Of Worship and Reasons For This

This study deals with the life and scholarly personality of Abū Yūsuf this one of the most important three imams in the doctrine and deals with his views these differing from Abū Ḥanīfa and Muḥammed b. el-Ḥasan al-Shaibānī these the other two imams in the in matters of worship. Abū Yūsuf is not only the second founder İmâm of the Hanafi school, but also the teacher of Muḥammed al-Shaibānī, the third important imam and the writer of the school. Therefore, Abū Yūsuf can be considered as the most important figure establishing the Ḥanafi school and moving it to the present time. Because he participated into Mālik’s lecture rings of hadish in Madina, and because Aḥmad b. Ḥanbal participated into his lecture rings in Baghdad, Abū Yūsuf acted as a bridge between the doctrines. It can be stated that his authority in hadith field in addition to the jurisprudence recognized by the leading scholars, gained more respect for the doctriner. The article dealt with fifteen issues in which Abū Yūsuf differed from the other two ımams in the field of worship. The source of the difference in these issues was mostly the following: the difference in the interpretation of the texts of the Sharia, the differenced in the preference between different ḥadīths, or different narrations of one ḥadīth, the difference in the point of view in the essence of the topic and the parties' using of different analogies (qiyās). If we look at the position of other fiqh schools on these issues; It appears that they are at the same distance from both Abū Yūsuf and the other two imâms.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Atıf Yapanlar
Bilgi: Bu yayına herhangi bir atıf yapılmamıştır.
Benzer Makaleler

Tokat İlmiyat Dergisi

Alan :   Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Dergi Türü :   Ulusal

Makale : 304
Atıf : 427
Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Temel Alanı

Tokat İlmiyat Dergisi