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 Görüntüleme 33
Effects of Combined Application of Chemical Fertilizer and Biochar on Soil Physio-Biochemical Properties and Maize Yield

: Excessive, long-term chemical fertilizer application adversely affects soil quality and maize yield. The combined application of biochar with chemical fertilizer can increase maize yield and improve soil fertility. A four-year field experiment was conducted to determine soil physio-biochemical properties and maize yield under a soybean–maize rotation in the black soils of Northeast China. There were five treatments, including no fertilization (CK), fertilizer (NPK), fertilizer + biochar (15.75 t·hm −2, BC 1), fertilizer + biochar (31.50 t·hm −2, BC 2), and fertilizer + biochar (47.25 t·hm −2, BC 3). Compared with CK, the number of macroaggregates and the average weight diameter of soil aggregates in BC 2 treatment increased significantly by 10.3% and 24.5%, respectively. The soil pH in the study area was 7.03, and it increased in all treatments except for BC 1. The highest pH of 7.17 was recorded in NPK and BC 2 treatments, which was around the optimal soil pH. In contrast to the CK and NPK treatments, the biochar application increased soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (TN) content. The BC 2 treatment improved soil C/N and increased the copy number of soil bacteria by 25.6% compared to CK. The combined application of chemical fertilizer and biochar was better than NPK treatment alone, and improved soil mechanical composition and fine soil particle contents (powder and clay). Mixed biochar with chemical fertilizer application also significantly increased maize yield and the weight of 100 grains increased from 9.5% to 10.9% compared to CK. The maize yield of the three fertilizer and biochar treatments was higher than treatments with applied chemical fertilizer alone, in the order of BC 2 > BC 3 > BC 1 > NPK > CK (BC 2 treatment increased by 34.8%). Additionally, the maize yield was significantly and positively correlated with soil aggregates, organic carbon and total nitrogen ( p < 0.05) as well as the 100-grain weight ( p < 0.01). The application of 31.50 t·hm −2 (BC 2 treatment) of biochar can enhance soil physicochemical properties and improve maize yield.

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Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 9.857
Atıf : 6.753
Ziraat, Orman ve Su Ürünleri Temel Alanı
