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 Görüntüleme 21
Space Syntax Strategies: A Lesson from Iranian Traditional City, Case Study is Kashan
A+Arch Design International Journal of Architecture and Design

This study aims to overcome particularly some of the new urban problems shaping the urban form in Iranian traditional cities, or in other words, to present conceivable applications on the appearance of Iranian traditional city problems like in Kashan. This article aims to focus on presenting some perspective of the traditional city of Iran which has the capacity to be used in raising the quality of life in modern cities of the country. The important part of this study is upon enhancing the stability rather than the developments based on street network and urban developments based upon space syntax theory. Study tried to show how there is little equilibrium between availability and stability in the historical cities. Interactions of the built environment and urban topic such as environment, transportation and the social human relations arise from such strategies. Sense of place and community, environment and sustainable transportation are an important subjects for space syntax.More human oriented planning is needed to make an equilibrium between accessibility and sustainability. New strategies need to be developed to progress on this topic. Analysis results of the traditional area of Kashan city can also be suggeseted for the medium-sized cities of the center, east, south of Iran. In the last part of study, it was determined space syntax strategies from the analysis of Darb-e-Yallan and Darb-Esfahan.

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Benzer Makaleler

A+Arch Design International Journal of Architecture and Design

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

A+Arch Design International Journal of Architecture and Design