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 İndirme 3
Nutritional profile and associated factors in adults: analysis of data from the vigitel telephone survey (2020)
Revista Brasileira de Obesidade, Nutrição e Emagrecimento

Introduction: Obesity is a global public health problem. Factors such as smoking, physical inactivity, alcohol consumption and inadequate diet are considered modifiable risk factors related to the disease. Objective: To evaluate the nutritional profile and associated factors in adults and the elderly in São Luís-MA, according to data from the Vigitel 2020 telephone survey. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional, population-based study with 2,065 people interviewed by the Vigitel telephone survey (2020), in São Luís, Maranhão. The information used were: sociodemographic; food; physical activity; screen time; smoking; alcoholic beverages; weight and height. To assess the association between categorical variables, the chi-square test was used. Associations between exposure and outcome by Poisson regression with robust variance (p<0.05). Results: High prevalence of overweight and obesity was observed in men (overweight: 37.85%; obesity: 20.03%) and in women (overweight: 27.62%; obesity: 14.91%) adults. In the elderly, the prevalence of overweight was 26.51% in men and 40.51% in women. The variables associated with overweight in adulthood were: having a partner (p<0.0001), schooling from zero to eight years (p=0.036) and abusive consumption of alcohol (p=0.004). In the elderly, only the habit of watching television for a time greater than or equal to three hours a day proved to be a risk factor for overweight (p=0.021). Conclusion: Thus, there was a high prevalence of overweight, especially in adult men and elderly women. The modifiable factors associated with excess weight reveal the importance of structural and health interventions in coping with the disease.

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Revista Brasileira de Obesidade, Nutrição e Emagrecimento

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 1.167
Atıf : 3
Revista Brasileira de Obesidade, Nutrição e Emagrecimento