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  Citation Number 1
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Adalet Ağaoğlu’nun Öykülerinde Anlatı Temposu
Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi

Anlatı temposu bir edebi metnin zamansal geçişlerini, metin içerisinde belirli olgu veya olayların sürekliliğini ve ritmini belirleyen temel öğedir. Anlatı temposu ile birlikte edebi metin kurgusal bütünlüğünü, olayörgüsel dağılımını çeşitli akışlar ve ivmeler aracılığıyla edinir. Kompozisyonel manevralar ile düşünsel ve ideolojik temsillerini açığa çıkarır. Bu bağlamda anlatı temposu, anlatı estetiği ve ideoloji arasında dolayım sağlayan kurgusal bir araçtır. İdeoloji-yüklü sözdizimsel tekrarlar ve metinsel momentum ile anlatı temposu, içerik ve biçim düzleminde bir yayılım ve geçiş alanı sağlar. Anlatı temposunu ayrıca, leitmotif ile ilişkilendirmek mümkündür. Bu açıdan anlatı temposu edebi metinde kurgusal ivmelenmeyi ve hızı temsil eden yazınsal bir öyküleme stratejisidir. Adalet Ağaoğlu, Türk edebiyatında anlatının edebi ve estetik özgünlüğü ile ideolojik zemini arasında kurgusal bir bağ kuran önemli isimlerdendir. Anlatı temposu, onun öykülerinde yer alan bu bağı görünür kılar anlatı estetiği ve ideoloji arasındaki paylaşımlı ilişkiyi ortaya koyar. Bu çalışmada Adalet Ağaoğlu’nun öyküleri, estetik ve ideoloji arasında kurulan ilişkiler de dikkate alınarak anlatı temposu bağlamında incelenecektir.


The Story of the Brother of Justice

The narrative pace is the basic element that determines the time transitions of a literary text, the continuity and rhythm of certain events or events within the text. With the speed of the story, literary text acquires the fictional integrity, the event-release distribution through various flows and impulses. It reveals its mental and ideological representations with compositional maneuveres. In this context, the speed of the story is a fictional tool that therefore provides between the aesthetics of the story and the ideology. Ideology-loaded with literal repetitions and text momentum, the narrative speed, content and shape provides a spread and transitional space. It is also possible to associate the story pace with the leitmotif. From this point of view, the narrative pace is a literary story strategy that represents fictional impulsion and speed in the literary text. Justice Agaoğlu is one of the important names in Turkish literature that establishes a fictional connection between the literary and aesthetic originality of the story and the ideological ground. The narrative pace reveals the shared relationship between narrative aesthetics and ideology that makes this link visible in his stories. In this study, the stories of Justice Brother, the relationships established between aesthetics and ideology will also be studied in the context of the story pace.


Narrative Pace In Adalet Agaoglu's Stories

Narrative pace is the fundamental determiner of temporal transitions in a literary text; it governs the continuity and rhythm of certain facts or events illustrated in the text. A literary text acquires its fictional integrity and compositional patterns through myriad flows and accelerations that accompany the narrative pace, thereby revealing intellectual and ideological representations through compositional maneuvers. Thus, the narrative pace is a fictional tool that mediates between narrative aesthetics and ideology. The narrative pace offers a domain extension and transitional space to the literary text through ideology-laden syntactic repetitions and textual momentum. The narrative pace can further be articulated through leitmotifs, which becomes a descriptive strategy that signifies the fictional velocity and acceleration of a literary text. Adalet Ağaoğlu was an important literary personality in Turkish literature. She established a fictional connection between the literary and aesthetic realities of the narrative and its ideological ground. In her stories, the narrative pace manifests this link and reveals the associations between narrative aesthetics and ideology. This study examines Adalet Ağaoğlu’s fiction from the perspective of narrative pace, attending specifically to the relationships between aesthetics and ideology.


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