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Ayfer Tunç’un Roman ve Hikâyelerinde Sosyal Benlik ile Aile Kurumu İlişkisi
Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi

Ayfer Tunç günümüz edebiyatının önemli isimlerinden birisidir. Toplumla ve realiteyle olan kuvvetli bağı ile dikkat çeker. Aşk, yalnızlık, uyumsuzluk, toplumsal ve bireysel çatışma eserlerinde işlediği belli başlı konulardır. Kahramanları ise çevreye, zamana, bulundukları ortama eleştirel gözle bakan, genel anlamda hayatı sorgulayan tiplerdir. Toplumun birçok parçasına getirmiş olduğu eleştirel dikkatler sahip olduğu gözlem gücüyle birleşerek etki alanını genişletir. Toplumun en küçük ve en etkili parçası olarak kabul edilen aile kurumu da Ayfer Tunç’un roman ve hikâyelerinde sıklıkla eleştirdiği alanlardan biridir. Onun kurgusunda zaman bir bütün olarak karşımıza çıkar. Bu bütünlük kahramanlarının hayat öykülerini anlatma biçimine de yansır. Zamanlar arasındaki geçişler sayesinde kahramanlarının çocukluğuna mutlaka dönüş yapar. Çocukluğa her dönüşte bir travma ortaya çıkar ve bu travmalar da kahramanları bir ömür etkiler. Toplumun içine girememiş bu kahramanların hemen hepsinin çocukluk dönemlerine ait aile içi çatışmaların izlerini taşıdıkları görülür. Bu izler kahramanların normal bir hayat sürmesinin önündeki en büyük engellerdir. Çocukluk dönemlerinde ebeveynleri tarafından sevgisiz bırakılmış veya baskı altına alınmış kahramanlar büyüdüklerinde sosyal çevreye ayak uyduramazlar. Sosyal benliği oluşamamış kahramanlar ile bu kahramanların travmatik aile hikâyeleri birleştirildiğinde Ayfer Tunç’un aile kurumunu sorunlu bir yer olarak ele aldığı açıktır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Tunç’un, kahramanlarının toplumla bağ kuramamasının sebebi olarak aile kurumunu gördüğünü ortaya koymaktır.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Ayfer Tunç's Novel and Stories of Social Self and Family Institution Relationship

Ayfer Tunç is one of the important names of today's literature. It attracts attention with a strong bond with society and reality. Love, loneliness, incompatibility, social and individual conflict are certain main topics he deals with in the works. The heroes are the types of people who look at the environment, the time, the environment they are in critical sight, questioning the life in general. Combined with the observation power that it has brought to many parts of society, it expands its influence. The family institution, considered to be the smallest and most influential part of society, is also one of the areas that Ayfer Tunç often criticizes in his novels and stories. In his mind, time comes to us as a whole. This integrity reflects the way the heroes tell their life stories. Thanks to the transitions of time, he will definitely return to his childhood heroes. A trauma occurs at every turn to childhood, and these trauma also affect the heroes a lifetime. These heroes, who have not entered the society, almost all carry the traces of family conflicts from their childhood periods. These traces are the greatest obstacles to the heroes to live a normal life. The heroes who were abandoned or under pressure by their parents in their childhood, when they grew up, can’t stick to the social environment. It is clear that when the heroes who have not formed social self and these heroes are combined with the traumatic family stories, Ayfer Tunç deals with the family institution as a problematic place. The purpose of this study is to reveal that Tunç sees the family institution as a reason that his heroes are unable to connect with society.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

The Relationship Between Social Self and Family As An Institution In Ayfer Tunc’s Novels and Stories

Ayfer Tunç a well-known author in today’s literature. Brings up the issue of love, loneliness, and social and individual conflict in her works. Her novels and stories frequently criticize the institution of the family, which is considered the smallest and yet most influential part of heroes where they endured trauma that affects them for their lifetime. That is Tunç’s heroes who face difficulty in society bear the traces of family conflicts from their childhood periods. Because they were not loved or were oppressed by their parents in childhood, they cannot keep up with their social environment as adults. A child who grows up in such an environment feels a lack of trust and love in his communication with others, and this makes it difficult for him to socialize. Given the author’s depiction of these heroes whose social selves are not formed and their traumatic family stories it is clear that Tunç treats the family as a problematic place. This study reveals that Tunç sees the institution of the family as the reason her heroes cannot establish a connection with society. 

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Benzer Makaleler

Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi

Alan :   Filoloji

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 466
Atıf : 746
Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi