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  Citation Number 2
 Views 27
Afganistan’da Ulus İnşa Süreci ve Çöküşü
Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi

11 Eylül saldırılarının ardından Afganistan’a askeri bir müdahale gerçekleştiren ABD, Taliban yönetimini devirdikten sonra ülkede bir ulus inşa süreci başlatarak yeni bir rejim kurulmasına öncülük etmiş ve yaklaşık 20 yıl boyunca bu rejime siyasi, askeri ve ekonomik destek vermiştir. Ancak gerek istikrarlı ve dış yardıma bağlı olmayan bir yapının tesis edilememesi gerekse de savaşın maliyetinin ABD ekonomisine getirdiği yük, Amerikan askerlerinin ülkeden çekilmesine yol açmıştır. Bu makalenin amacı Afganistan’daki rejime verilen tüm dış desteğe rağmen ulus inşa sürecinin bu kadar çabuk çökebilmesinin nedenlerini tartışmaktır. Bu doğrultuda Afgan halkının ihtiyaç ve talepleri ile uygulamaya koyulan ulus inşa projesinin bu ihtiyaç ve taleplere uyumu irdelenecektir. Bu bağlamda, öncelikle Afganistan’ın toplumsal yapısı belirli bir tarihsel arka plan çerçevesinde ortaya konulacak, ardından ABD öncülüğündeki ulus inşa sürecinin siyasi, iktisadi ve güvenlik boyutları uygulamadaki sorunlarıyla birlikte ele alınacaktır.


National Construction Process and Collapse in Afghanistan

After the September 11 attacks, the U.S. carried out a military intervention in Afghanistan, with the Taliban overthrow of the regime, the U.S. launched a nation-building process in the country and led the establishment of a new regime, and for 20 years it has been providing political, military and economic support to the regime. But even though a stable and unrelated structure cannot be established, the burden of the cost of the war brought to the U.S. economy has led to the withdrawal of U.S. soldiers from the country. The purpose of this article is to discuss the reasons why, despite all the external support given to the regime in Afghanistan, the nation-building process could collapse so quickly. In this direction, the national construction project, which is implemented with the needs and demands of the Afghan people, will be adapted to these needs and demands. In this context, the social structure of Afghanistan will first be presented within a specific historical background, and then the problems in the implementation of the political, economic and security dimensions of the U.S.-led nation building process will be addressed.


The Nation-building Process In Afghanistan and Its Collapse

The US, which carried out military intervention in Afghanistan after September 11 attacks, led to the establishment of a new regime in this country by initiating a nation-building process after overthrowing the Taliban administration. The US had given political, military and economic support to the established regime for approximately 20 years. However, both the failure to establish a stable structure which does not depend on foreign aid and the increasing costs of war for the US economy caused the withdrawal of US troops from the country. The aim of this article is to discuss the reasons for the swift collapse of the nation-building process despite the external support given to the regime in Afghanistan. In this regard, the compatibility of the needs and demands of the Afghan people with the nation-building project which had been conducted will be examined. In this context, at first, the social structure of Afghanistan will be explained within the scope of historical background, and then the political, economic and security dimensions of the U.S.-led nation-building process will be addressed with the problems in the field.


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Journal Type :   Uluslararası

Article : 1.294
Cite : 14.362
Basic Field of Social, Humanities and Administrative Sciences

Basic Field of Philology

Basic Field of Educational Sciences

Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi