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  Citation Number 9
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Doğu Coğrafya Dergisi

Ülkemiz bulunduğu coğrafi konum itibarıyla başta deprem olmak üzere, taşkın ve sel, heyelan, kaya düşmesi gibi birçok doğal afetin yaşandığı bir ülkedir. Bu doğal afetlerin kökenleri farklı olsa da etkilediği en önemli varlık insandır. Bundan dolayı insanı, afetlerin etkisinden korumak, afetler ve acil durum sırasında yaşanan durumu iyileştirmek ve planlı hareket etmek için T.C. İçişleri Bakanlığı Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi Başkanlığı (AFAD) tarafından birçok tedbir alınmaktadır. Afetler öncesi alınan bu tedbirler kapsamında yapılan önemli çalışmalardan birisi de afet ve acil durum sırasında toplanılacak alanların tespit ve ilan edilmesidir. Bu alanların tespiti ve afet öncesi vatandaşlara bilgilendirme yapılması son derece önemlidir. Afet ve acil durum toplanma alanlarının tespit edilmesi hem saha gözlemleri hem de son zamanlarda idarecilere karar vermede önemli bir rol oynayan Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri (CBS) sayesinde gerçekleştirilmektedir. Ülkemizde karakterlerine göre zamanları farklı olsa da doğal afetlerin oldukça sık görülmesi afet öncesi toplanma alanlarının tespit edilmesi gerekliliğini ortaya koymaktadır. Bu itibarla bu çalışmada Gümüşhane şehrinde Gümüşhane Valiliği İl Afet ve Acil Durum Müdürlüğü tarafından belirlenen mevcut afet ve acil durum toplanma alanlarının haritası çıkarılmış, bu alanlarının doğruluğu AFAD tarafından belirlenen kriterler çerçevesinde tartışılmış ve mekânsal temele dayalı en uygun toplanma alanlarının nereler olabileceği analiz edilmiştir. Gümüşhane Valiliği İl Afet ve Acil Durum Müdürlüğü ve Gümüşhane’deki il ve ilçe belediyelerin iş birliği ile 2019 Ekim ayından itibaren Gümüşhane ilinde 626.571 m2 alana sahip toplam 134 adet toplanma alanı oluşturulmuştur. Bu alanlar 128.330 kişilik nüfusa hitap ederken, kişi başına da ortalama 6 m2 alan düşmektedir. Çalışma alanı olarak seçilen şehir merkezinde ise 40.728 kişilik nüfusa hitap eden 107.890 m2 alana sahip, kişi başı 2.65 m2 alana karşılık gelen 24 adet toplanma alanı bulunmaktadır. Bu toplanma alanlarının mekânsal bir temel üzerine oturtulması, afet ve acil durum esnasında daha olumlu sonuçlar vereceği yaklaşımıyla çalışma kapsamında AFAD’ın belirlemiş olduğu kriterlerden nüfus, eğim, arazi kullanımı, jeoloji, yükseklik, yollara, binalara ve akarsu yataklarına uzaklık gibi farklı coğrafi kriterler dikkate alınarak en uygun toplanma alanları tespit edilmiştir. İlgili kriterlere ise Gümüşhane’de en çok meydana gelen doğal afetler dikkate alınarak Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci (AHS) ile ağırlık atanmış ve ağırlıklı çakıştırma analizi ile en uygun toplanma alanları tespit edilmiştir. Yapılan analiz sonucu Gümüşhane şehrinde mevcut 24 adet toplanma alanına ek olarak 26 adet alternatif toplanma alanı belirlenmiştir. Çalışmadan önce kişi başına düşen toplanma alanı kriterlerine sadece 3 mahalle uygunluk gösterirken önerilen alternatif alanlarla bu sayı 12 mahalleye çıkmış ve şehir genelinde kişi başına düşen mevcut toplanma alanı 2.65 m2’den 4.6 m2’ye ulaşmıştır. Böylece yaşanabilecek herhangi bir afet ve acil durumda Gümüşhane şehrinde yaşayan nüfusun kısa zamanda doğru yerlerde toplanması sağlanarak geçici barınma yerleri hazırlanıncaya kadar nüfusun kaostan uzak güvenli bölgelerde toplanması hedeflenmiştir.


The Customs and Emergency Meetings in the Customs and Emergency Meetings in the Customs and Emergency Meetings in the Customs

Our country is a country where many natural disasters, including earthquakes, storms and floods, heilans, rock falls, occur in the geographical location. Although the origins of these natural disasters are different, the most important being that affects is the human being. Thus, T.C. to protect the person from the effects of disasters, to improve the situation during disasters and emergencies and to act planned. A number of measures are taken by the Ministry of the Interior of Disaster and Emergency Management (AFAD). One of the important studies carried out in the framework of these measures taken prior to disasters is the identification and announcement of areas to be gathered during disasters and emergencies. Identification of these areas and informing the citizens prior to the disaster is extremely important. The detection of disasters and emergency gathering areas is carried out through both field observations and the Geographic Information Systems (CBS), which has recently played an important role in decision-making for administrators. Although the times are different according to their character in our country, the very frequent occurrence of natural disasters shows the need to identify pre-disastic gathering areas. According to this study, the map of the existing catastrophic and emergency gathering areas determined by the Gümüşhane Governorate of the Provincial Disaster and Emergency Directorate in the city of Gümüşhane has been drawn out, the accuracy of these areas has been discussed in the framework of the criteria determined by the AFAD and analysed where the most suitable gathering areas based on the spatial basis can be. With the cooperation of the Provincial Disaster and Emergency Directorate of the Gümüşhane Governorate and the province and district municipalities in Gümüşhane, a total of 134 gathering areas with an area of 626.571 m2 in the Gümüşhane province have been created from October 2019. These areas cover a population of 128,330 people, while the average area per person is 6 m2. In the city center selected as the work area, there are 24 gathering areas with an area of 107,890 m2 of the population of 40,728 people, which corresponds to an area of 2,65 m2 per person. In the framework of the study, the approach to settling these gathering areas on a spatial basis, which will give more positive results during disasters and emergencies, the best gathering areas have been identified, taking into account different geographical criteria such as population, inclination, land use, geology, height, distance to roads, buildings and flow beds from the criteria set by the AFAD. According to the relevant criteria, the most common natural disasters occurring in the Silverhouse have been identified by the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHS) and the most suitable collection areas with a substantial collision analysis. In addition to the existing 24 gathering areas in Silverhane, 26 alternative gathering areas have been identified. Before the study, only 3 neighborhoods suited to the criteria of the meeting area per person, with the recommended alternative areas this number increased to 12 neighborhoods and the current meeting area per person throughout the city reached 2.65 m2 to 4.6 m2. Thus, any catastrophe and emergency that may occur in the city of Gümüşhane is aimed at ensuring that the population in the city of Gümüşhane is quickly gathered in the right places and the population is gathered in safe areas away from the chaos until the provisional residence is prepared.


Evaluation Of Disaster and Emergency Meeting Areas In The City Of Gumushane In The Geographical Information Systems Environment

Our country is a country where many natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, landslides and rock falls are experienced due to its location. Although the origins of these natural disasters are different, the most important asset they affect is human. Therefore, many measures are taken by Ministry of Interior Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency to protect people from the effects of disasters, to improve the situation during disasters and emergencies, and to act in a planned manner. One of the important works carried out within the scope of these precautions taken before disasters is the determination and announcement of the areas to be gathered during disasters and emergencies. It is extremely important to identify these areas and to inform the relevant citizens before the disaster. The identification of disaster and emergency meeting areas is carried out by both field observations and Geographical Information Systems, (GIS) which has played an important role in decision-making for administrators. The fact that natural disasters appear quite frequently in our country, although their times are different according to their characters, shows the fact that pre-disaster meeting areas are determined. In this study, the current disaster and emergency meeting areas determined by Gümüşhane Governorship Provincial Disaster and Emergency Directorate in the city of Gümüşhane were mapped, the accuracy of these areas were discussed within the framework of the criteria determined by Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency and the most suitable meeting areas based on spatial basis were analyzed. With the cooperation of Gümüşhane Governorship Provincial Disaster and Emergency Directorate and provincial and district municipalities in Gümüşhane, a total of 134 meeting areas with 626,571 m2 area have been created in Gümüşhane since October 2019. While these areas appeal to a population of 128,330, there is an average of 6 m2 per person. In the city center selected as the study area, there are 24 meeting areas with an area of 107,890 m2, corresponding to an area of 2.65 m2 per person, addressing a population of 40,728. The criteria set by the Ministry of Interior Disaster and Emergency Management include population, slope, land use, geology, elevation, roads, with the approach that these gathering areas are based on a spatial basis and will yield more positive results during disasters and emergencies, the most suitable gathering areas have been determined by taking into account different geographical criteria such as distance to buildings and streams. Considering the most common natural disasters in Gümüşhane, weights have been assigned to the relevant criteria with Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the most suitable gathering areas have been determined by weighted overlapping analysis. As a result of the analysis, 26 alternative meeting areas were determined in addition to the 24 available meeting areas in city of Gümüşhane. While only 3 neighborhoods comply with the criteria of meeting space per person before the study, this number has increased to 12 neighborhoods with the proposed alternative areas and the current gathering area per person in the city has increased from 2.65 m2 to 4.6 m2. Thus, it is aimed to gather the population of Gümüşhane in the right places in a short time in case of any disaster and emergency, and to gather the population in safe areas away from chaos until temporary shelters are prepared.

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Field :   Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Journal Type :   Ulusal

Article : 1.017
Cite : 2.597
Basic Field of Social, Humanities and Administrative Sciences

Doğu Coğrafya Dergisi