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  Citation Number 2
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1657 ve 1698 Yılları Arasında Kadı Sicilleri'ne Göre Rusçuk'ta Köleler ve Cariyeler
Selçuk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi

Slavery is an instutions that began from Ancient times and lived to the 19th century. Islamic law didn’t abolish it, but gave a more humanitairan aspect to it. Slavery in Ottoman Empire, which accepted system of Islamic law for its own law system, lived in the frame of this humanitarian view. On the other hand, letting out a slave encouraged by state nad public supported for it permanently. Slaves indicated diversity by means of ethnic origins and gender. It is known that slaves used for domestic works more nevertheless they were worked for agricultural purposes rarely. This study made from the court register of Ruse which is on slaves in the indicate period in the Ottoman Empire with their situations and features.


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Basic Field of Philology

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